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"if you fall, will you land on your feet

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"if you fall, will you land on your feet..."

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Fallon sighed as she felt a raindrop land on her forehead as she looked up to the sky's , she was supposed to be getting ready for Quidditch practice, but seeing as how it was starting to rain she almost skipped out but she knew that the rest of her team would hex her if she did. I'm so over this childish rivalry, I just wanna be wrapped up in my blankets...
Fallon had an upcoming match with none other than Gryffindor, as a Slytherin she was less than thrill because this meant extra practices, which meant less free time for her pranking with Blair and Bobbi. Nevertheless, she mounted her broom and started doing some laps as she waited for the rest of her team.
"Say, Fallon, if you fall, would you land on your feet?" a voice called out from the bleachers. She rolled her eyes and flipped off James Potter with her hand that was also holding Damon and Miles bats. Just great, she thought, he's here to watch Slytherin team's practice with his little posse, and the rest of the Gryffindor team. It wasn't unusual for the other team to come and watch their competition during practice, it was mostly annoying because they would try to distract them, and now that James was there with them, it meant that Fallon would be his number one target.

As far as Fallon could recall, her years at Hogwarts with James were less than amicable.

First year was spent throwing dirty glances towards one another, bumping into their shoulder a little too harshly when walking down the hall and of course, nicknaming each other some ridiculous named that would leave both parties grinding their teeth. He dubbed Fallon as Princess of Slytherin, and how she hated it. To get even with him, Fallon called him Golden Boy. That was four years ago, now they were both currently in their fifth year both those names still annoyed both of them to the core.

During second year nothing much had changed between the two of you, it wasn't until third year after spending a summer vacation with the Potter family and hers in the country side for a week that James decided to make her life a living hell, and she retaliated.


Fallon was coming back from Quidditch try outs, feeling particularly confident in herself and how it went. She was turning down a hallway when suddenly there was a loud explosion and the air around her was a very bright and powdery green; she looked down at her hands and she noticed that they were also bright green. Fallon was speechless, completely confused at what had happened before you heard laughter.
"Fred, don't you think the Slytherin Princess looks lovely?" James bragged to Fred, coming down the opposite side of the hallway.

"James Sirius Potter, you have ten bloody seconds to get this off of me or I'll hex you so hard, your great grandchildren will feel it." she hissed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Hmm, I don't know Princess, green really suits you." before she could threaten him again he ran down the hallway, Fred following behind as she was left fuming and green.


"Oi, watch where you're going." she growled as James bumped into her after Potions.
"And if I don't? what are you gonna do? Run to mummy and daddy?" he taunted, Fallon scoffed at him.
"What makes you think I'll willingly talk about your slimy ways with them? We only associate with pure bloods." she sneered. He said nothing more and left with a dark look on his handsome face. Truth be told, she hated the whole 'pure blood' argument, but if it meant getting James off her back for a moment or two, she would swallow her pride and preach a sermon that she's always hated. James had embarrassed her countless of times and it was time for Fallon to give him a dose of his own medicine.

During your fourth year, you briefly dated Slater Thomas and that seemed to make James go out of his way to intentionally bother Fallon more than before. She would find her books disappearing from her dorm, robes that were discolored and once she spent a whole week with green hair thanks to his prank. When Slater and Fallon broke up the pranks got not as bad...

She came back to reality when the rest of her team joined her on the field getting ready for their practice. Fallon tossed the two beaters there bats before starting her laps around the field..

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