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"decided not to go, princess"~ ✧ ~

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"decided not to go, princess"
~ ~

[fallons pov]

You couldn't get out of that potions classroom fast enough. Being James Potters partner for potions may seem like a dream to some, but to you it was a nightmare.

He spent all class trying to flirt with one of the girls at the table beside yours instead of focusing on the potion itself. When you berated James and tried to get him to focus, he shot back with the piggish response 'a threesome would be fun'.

Needless to say, your opinion of James was lowered even more than it was before. Which you didn't think was possible, but apparently was.

Of course your day hadn't gotten any better because after all your classes you had to tutor the arrogant pig. Of course James wouldn't show up on his own accord, he would make you find him which you discovered only altering waiting for a half hour in the library, talking with Blair and Bobbi.

When the girls reminded you that James hadn't arrived You stormed through the halls, stopping every once and a while to ask where Potter was. After hearing that he was out in one of the courtyards, you balled your hands tightly and kept on your course to find him.

When you finally found him, you saw him sitting with the rest of his stupid friends, his 'girl of the week' sitting on his lap looking smug.

"Potter!" You seethed and stormed toward the group, all eyes on you.

"What do you want Malfoy?" He tried to act smug, his arms tightening around his 'flings' lap.

"Are you stupid or ignorant? Did you forget that you're supposed to be tutored right now?" Thomas and Weasley snickered from the other stone bench, watching this all go down with hidden smiles.

"I didn't forget. I decided not to go." You clenched your jaw. You had to remind yourself that hitting James Potter wouldn't solve anything. But hitting Joey Brown resolved that problem so maybe hitting him would work.

"You decided not to go?" James looked back at you, a smirk on his face.

"Decided not to go, princess." You pursed your lips and placed your hands on your hips, eyes narrowed into a glare.

"You know what? I don't give a damn. Fail potions. Take the class again and again, Potter . I'm not going to put in the effort to try and tutor you if you're not going to show up." You shifted your bag on your shoulder and shot him, and his fling a dirty look.

"I wouldn't get too hung up on, Potter. He'll dump you and move on by the end of the week." You left the courtyard, snickers heard behind you followed by James hissing at his friends to shut up.

It really wasn't any skin off your nose if Potter didn't show up to your tutoring lessons. If he wanted to fail you weren't going to stop him.

• • • •

The next time you had potions, you had it alone. Potter had not shown up, and after mild concern, you decided you liked it better without him. You could focus, were focused. You liked potions without the incessant flirting James did with every girl in the area, except you of course.

When it came time for you tutoring lesson, you had very little hope that James would actually show up to the library. You had even set a timer for 10 minutes after the lesson was supposed to be, and waited. If James was not here by the time your timer went off, you would leave.

You were taken by surprise when the infamous Potter had finally showed with a minute left on the clock.

"Woah you actually showed Potter" you said with a sneer
"Ya well i saw how Brown ended up, didn't really want a broken nose"

"It probably would mess with you getting with all the girls in our year" While you were talking you gestured over too the group of Ravenclaw girls who were looking in his direction, giggling amongst themselves.

"Hey Malfoy" Damon said walking up to the table you were sat at

"Potter" he nodded in the boys direction, James nodding back to him

"I need to speak with you"

"Oh alright, Well after this" You said gesturing to the work in front of you, the boy nodded before walking back to Miles and Seth, who waved at you and you happily waved back.

"Really Nott? That's who your in for?" You narrowed your eyes and pursed your lips.

"He's one of my closets friends, he's very good at Quidditch. Not to mention he's smart and funny. He's got the dreamiest Blue eyes, and he's tall..." You blushed and spared a glance at the three boys by the Library book checkout, before returning your eyes to James.

"He's a git. Even you Malfoy, deserve better than that" You glared James down

"He's not an idiot and he's not a git. He's going to be head boy next year, and he's the hottest boy in Slytherin." Another blush creeped up your cheeks and neck.

"Fine whatever, help me pass potions and I'll help you with Nott" James stretched out his hand for you to take

"I don't need your help with Boys, Potter" you sneered in his direction

"I know you don't Malfoy, just take the deal" he responded keeping his hand in its place across from you, and rolling his eyes

"Alright, Deal"

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