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"We have a problem" Blair stated running into the Slytherin common room that was occupied by only a few students

"And it's another Tuesday, what's your point?" Bobbi questioned causing Fallon to snicker at the two girls
"Oh shut it" blair said as she plopped down next to Fallon
"Fineee, what's wrong?" Bobbi asked
"Its a new school year"
Fallon raised her eyebrows at the auburn haired girl before sharing a look with Bobbi
Blair rolled her eyes in annoyance before groaning at the girls
"New pranks! James, Fred, Luke, Max and Knox are all going to have even bigger pranks this year!" Blair stated
This time Fallon knew what blair was getting at but still Bobbi had no clue
"Why is that a problem?" bobbi questioned
"We have to beat them at their own game duh" Fallon said
"We can all finally get them back!"
"Ohhh! YES! WERE GOING TO BEAT THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME" Bobbi yelled jumping up which caused many of the students in the common room to look over at the three girls.
Bobbi mumbled a sorry before sitting back down..

"So what's the plan?"

• • • •




Another school day here we come. Fallon jumped out of bed extra chipper this morning as the three girls were setting up there plan today. Fallon sailed into the bathroom and got ready for the day, she straightened her hair and added a little bit of makeup and lipgloss. Shoving the lipgloss in her pocket before rushing down to the common room to meet Blair and Bobbi who were waiting for her to walk to breakfast together.

They had been at Hogwarts for almost a week as it was Friday and they started Monday. The pranksters of the school have done a couple pranks the first one of the year being on Professor McGonagall they swiped her hat from her office. The next one being on the Hufflepuff girls, they filled their rooms with a bunch of feathers.There most recent prank had been on a group of Ravenclaw boys who they covered with green slime. Everyone knew and was waiting for their next prank to be on Slytherin house. And of course it was going to be big i mean the group of Gryffindor Boys hated everything to do with Slytherin...

• • • •

"So James, what's next?" Fred asked once their group at sat down at the Gryffindor table.
"Maybe we could do another prank on the Hufflepuff girls their reactions were priceless!" James said laughing along side his friends
"What about Slytherin?" Knox questioned raising and eyebrow at his friends
"That one has to be big" Fred response shoving some Bacon in his mouth...
"Especially if it's against Malfoy and her friends" Luke said in a 'duh' tone before drinking his pumpkin juice

The group of Boys continued talking about new pranks to do before their attention got directed to three pairs of heels walking into the Hall. James looked up and his chocolate brown eyes met a familiar pair of emerald green eyes that belonged to the one and only Fallon Malfoy. Malfoy walked in alongside her auburn and honey haired friends, Blair and Bobbi. Fallon smirked when she felt James eyes on hers and made her way to the Gryffindor Table in the Hall. Many people started in wonder as the three Slytherin girls made their way over to the table that was filled with crimson colored uniforms. She stopped right in-front of where the well known pranksters sat and turned to look at the boys.

"Hello boys" she exclaimed a smirk across her face. The boys sitting at the table looked at each other with confused looks that crossed their faces.
"Hey" Fred said winking up at the girls
"What can we do for you Malfoy?" Max questioned setting down the book that he was reading. Fallon rolled her eyes at the mention of her last name, it being a constant bear on her. Just as Blair started speaking she was interrupted by Albus Potter...

"Hey uhm Scorp needs you guys" Albus said breathing heavily trying to catch his breath
"Is he alright?" Bobbi questioned worried about the youngest Malfoy.
"Uh kinda i don't know" He responded before darting off again
"We'll finish this later" Fallon said before dashing off with the two others girls once albus had called their names for the 2nd time...

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