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"I wouldn't want to take your unborn child away from you under any circumstance,"~ ✧ ~

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"I wouldn't want to take your unborn child away from you under any circumstance,"
~ ~

[fallons pov]

You could help but smile at the news that you had for your fiancé. As soon as Blair and Luke had Nathaniel, James kept leaving little hints about wanting to be a father, and he had become like a second father for the little boy, so much so that Blair made constant jokes about Luke, James and Fred running away together to raise her newborn son.
It had always been clear that James was hesitant about starting a family. He was scared he couldn't be as good as a parents as Teddy and Victorie with there three kids. The twins Remus and Ana, and Baby Juliette.

Since Nathan had been born, you and James had taken over the Bell family's spare room, with Fred and Bobbie taking claim to the two sofas in the large living room. You claimed to be there to help, but really you just wanted to see your newly born godson.

Instantly you made your way up to your shared bedroom with James, to find him talking to Fred about something.
"Hello love," the brown haired of the two smiled gesturing for you to join him in sitting on the edge of the bed.
You did as you were told, letting him wrap an arm around your shoulders, resting your head against him.
"What are you two nattering away about?" You questioned.
"Qudditch match with Appleby Arrows," James stated, looking pitifully up at his friend whom was stood in front of him.
"I'm sorry you guys ," you sighed.
You felt bad for them, There team the HolyHead Harpies have been in a runt lately.
"It's fine. I'll leave you two. I'm going to go make some tea, did you want any?" Fred smiled softly.
"Please. We'll be down in a second. I just need to tell Jamie something," you said warmly.
He nodded leaving the pair of you alone in your room.
"What did you need to tell me?" James questioned. "Not stealing my godson and running away with Blair and Bobbie are you?" James chuckled as he pulled you both back on the bed, wrapping his arms around you, holding you close against the mattress.

"You caught me. I was just coming to get my bags so that I could go Mother my best friend's child with her and our other best friend," you stated rolling your eyes.
He shook his head, kissing your cheek. "You'd never run away with her. You love me too much."
It was true you did love him dearly. You have for the last 6 years. But sometimes running off with Blair and raising little Nathan together did sound more appealing, especially when James and Luke were acting like prats.
"I definitely have more of a reason to stay now. I wouldn't want to take your unborn child away from you under any circumstance," you said softly.
He furrowed his eyebrows at you, not quite certain if he heard you correctly.
"Wait... are you? Are you really?" He said trying to hide his growing smile.
You nodded.
Instantly he jumped to his feet, pulling you up with him. He lifted you into his arms, pressing his lips passionately to yours. It took you by surprise at first but you were just glad that he was happy. The two of you had grown since you were small fifteen year olds, you were now twenty-four and expecting your first child.

"We're having a baby," he grinned. "I can't believe it. I'm going to be a father. And our child is going to have the best Mother in the world, and will grow up best friends with little Nathan."
You laughed at his excitement, but nevertheless you couldn't wait until you were a family.
"Bobbie and Fred are expecting a little boy soon Jaime" you said with a smile

Your two closets friends had gotten together a year after you graduated from Hogwarts. They always denied there feelings but everyone knew they were perfect together.

"Wait really! Our children are going to be best friends all three of them" he yelled happily wrapping you into his arms again
"Four Actually" Dominique said walking into the shared bedroom with her husband, Knox Thomas
"You're Kidding!" I yelled pulling the girl i considered a sister into a tight hug, James and Knox greeting each other besides us.
"I'm due in the next two months" She said smiling down at her stomach placing a hand on top of it.
"What how you're barely showing" I exclaimed examining her as she laughed.
"Must be a veela thing, do you know the gender?" i asked happily
"We're waiting to be surprised" Dom said her eyes filled with joy as she linked hands with her husband.

"Well we best not keep them waiting" James said linking his arm with mine
"I can't wait to start a family with you Mrs.Potter" he whispered into your ear
"I can't wait to start a family with you, Mr.Potter" you whispered back, he kissed your cheek before sitting down beside you.

You looked around to see everyone all happy, with warm smiles on there faces. You were sure that this was the life you wanted, With James and with your Future kid. Your child would have a wonderful like you were certain.

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