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"Ms Malfoy, Mr Brown. At Hogwarts we do not permit fighting you should both have noticed this by now" McGonagall said looking at us with a stern look on her face, neither of us made a move to respond so she continued to scold us..
"Now i'm beginning to think that i should call your parents!"
"She's the one who bloody attacked me" Joey said waving his hands in my direction with a glare on his face
"Oh shut it you Git!" Fallon yelled back at the boy
"Detention both of you! 2 weeks! Now i won't be calling your parents but call this your final warning. Now get back to class"

The two students scrambled to there feet both mumbling a goodbye to the angry professor before running out her door.

"I won't forget this Malfoy" Joey shouted at her after they left McGonagall

"Heard you the first time Brown" Fallon said rolling her eyes at the boy before he stomped away from her.

Fallon sighed remembering what happened before she got dragged away to Professor McGonagall's office... Damon Nott kissed her. Her best friend of 14 years kissed her and she kissed him back. They had been friends forever, there parents were friends and he was practically dating Evelyn Gray..

"Fallon! There you are"

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the voice of Blair. She looked up and saw that Blair and Seth Zabini were headed her way and she quickly wiped away the confusing thoughts about Damon in her head..

"Hey Fal, heard what happened. That was wicked" Seth said slapping her on the back making her laugh

"Oh be quiet Seth! What did McGonagalll say?" Blair said after rolling her eyes at the boy beside hers excitement

"2 weeks detention"

"You got off easy, you did kinda break his nose" Blair said as they started walking towards there next class

"It was bloody brilliant though" Seth exclaimed with a laugh

"I hope his nose is broken and they can't fix it, it'll make him look even more stupid than he already is" Fallon laughed

The three friends arrived to there next class History of Magic with professor Fuller. Professor Fuller was a lady around the age of 35 maybe younger. Fuller had long rusty orange/red hair and electric blue eyes. Many people confused her to be a weasley. She was very kind and Fallon was one of her favorite students. Many students succeeded in her class because of her helpfulness and her way to understand her students in ways many other professors could not.If you didn't pass her class then i don't know what you did to get on her bad side because she's a very pleasant women to be around.

"Hello Ms Malfoy, Ms Parkinson and Mr Zabini! Welcome back to my class" she said smiling at the three Slytherin students who just walked in
"Hello Professor Fuller" they said at the same time before going to sit at their usual seats in her classroom. The ginger professor started her lesson of the day. Today's class was joined alongside some Ravenclaw students so they probably would answer all the questions so we didn't really have to participate, it's not like many Ravenclaw students minded though...

The class soon ended and we went onto our next class which was Herbology. Today's class was with Gryffindor, so Fallon was hoping she wouldn't be pestered with questions from Nosy Gryffindors.

"Hello class today i will be choosing your partners for the assignment!" Longbottom announced when everyone got to his class
This announcement made everyone grumble in annoyance at the Way to excited Herbology Professor

Longbottom cleared his throat before reading off the list
"Bryce, Allie"
"Will, Sasha"
"Fred, Bobbi"
"James, Fallon"
"Knox, Alice"
"Luke, Blair"

Many students groaned in annoyance as he continued to read off the rest of the names and the sent them off to work with there partners...

"Look like your stuck with me Malfoy" James said with a smirk as Fallon appeared beside him
"What a pleasure" Fallon muttered sitting beside him

Blair looked up from her seat beside Luke to see that Fallon and James we're arguing yet again.
"Of course there bloody arguing" She muttered causing Luke to look at her with confusion
"What?" he asked furrowing his brows
"Fallon and James"
"Ohh ya, They have a bit of a rivalry" Luke said looking up and seeing that Fallon had hit James in the head with a book causing Luke to laugh and Blair re-direct her eyes on James rubbing the back of his head and Longbottom walking over and snatching Fallons book out of her hands
"A bit? I hope you mean massive" She laughed meeting his ocean blue eyes that gleamed with Joy
"They've always had it, i mean since we were kids. James would steal Fallons broom in 1st year and Draco would have to buy her a new one or Fallon would put something in his pumpkins juice" He reminisced the two first years arguing on the train over who got the last Chocolate Frog
"Oh ya remember when Fallon took James school uniforms and he had to walk around in his bloody pajamas for the day!"
"Haha yep, i don't know why he didn't ask one of us for a extra uniform"

The two students continued to talk until the end of Herbology class barley getting anything done.
"Mr Bell, Ms Parkinson. You are two of my finest students i've expected more of you today" Professor Longbottom said once the other students had left the class
"I'm sorry Professor Longbottom, we'll start the paper today at the Library?" Luke suggested
"Splendid idea! Do you agree Ms Parkinson?"
"Yes Professor Longbottom, we'll get right on that" Blair responded giving a smile to him
"Ok now off to class both of you!"
Blair gathered her things before rushing out of the class with Luke trailing behind her..

"So what time would you like to meet at the Library?" Luke asked the brunette girl with a smile
"Maybe in one of our free periods?" she suggested raising an eyebrow at the boy
"When's your free periods?"
"Uh after 3rd and 5th"
"Ok my free periods are after 2nd and 5th, so after 5th?"
"sure see you later luke!" Blair said smiling at the boy then skipping off to her next class.

Blair's day had been long and she just finished 5th period bidding her goodbyes to her fellow students and heading to the library to meet with Luke. When she got there she saw him sitting there reading a book with a pencil resting on his lips. He looked very cute, Blair had to admit. Luke looked up from his reading to see that Blair had arrived

"Oh hey Blair!" he exclaimed pulling out the seat next to him inviting her to sit
"Thank you" she mumbled when she sat down
"How was your classes so far?" he asked closing his book to pay attention to her
"Pretty Good, Professor Flitwick got on my arse again about not doing homework" she said rolling her eyes in annoyance at the teacher
"I can help you sometime, i-i mean if you'd like?" Luke suggested scratching the back of his neck, a reddish tint rising to his face making him look like a tomato.
"Ya, id like that a lot" she smiled at the blushing boy before turning to their Herbology essay they had to begin writing

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