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"of course fred, i'm madly in love with you

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"of course fred, i'm madly in love with you..."

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Hogsmead Weekends. The best weekends at Hogwarts. Besides when there would quidditch games. Bobbi had just finished her last assignment due this week and started leaving the Library. She was ready for her week to be over and it finally was. She shoved her papers and quill into her bag slinging it over her shoulder, and grabbing her book in her hands. Bobbi then rushed out of the Library trying to make her way towards her common room to get ready for dinner before she ran into a body. She fell back onto the ground a series of curses falling from herself and the strong body she had just ran into...

"shit i'm so sorry" she looked up to the hand being held out to her and she took it reluctantly. When she was stable on her feet again she was met to face the infamous Fred Weasley ii.
"oh it's you" she said with a scowl
Fred laughed at her crossing his arms over his chest rolling his eyes
"Please try and act like your not in love with me Goyle" he responded with a smirk his face inching closer to hers
"Of course Fred i'm so madly in love with you" Bobbi responded , she shoved his face back with her hands and rolled her eyes at the auburn haired boy in front of her. Bobbi started to walk off in the direction of her dorm, thinking she left Fred behind her, but he continued to follow the blonde girl. He slung his arm around the girls shoulder and continued to walk with her.
"what are you doing Weasley?" she questioned raising an eyebrow at the boy beside her
"Walking with you" he responded with a grin on his face
"why?" she edged on
Fred just shrugged his shoulders in response at her question removing his arm from around her shoulder.
"Bobbi Goyle you are one interesting girl" Fred said looking forward as they continued to walk
"What do you mean Fred?"
"Nothing it's Nothing" he shook his head diverting his gaze to his feet
"Fr-" she started before being interrupted
"uh bye Goyle" Fred said before walking away from the Slytherin girl, leaving her very confused at there interaction.

Bobbi made her way back to her common room dropping her bags off at her Dorm and walking to the great hall with Fallon and Blair. The girls walked into the Hall arm in arm, their heels clicking in sync. Like the first day back at school many eyes met the girls. But Bobbi's gaze landed on one of the oldest Weasley boy sitting laughing with his friends. Fred's honey brown eyes flickered to the emerald eyes of the girl he was talking to earlier that day. But his gaze was quickly brought back to his friends instead of the Blonde. Bobbi shook her head at the boy, Fred Weasley was one strange guy. They made there way to the Slytherin table just as the feast started. Fallon sat in her new spot next to Damon, who slung his arm around her shoulder bringing her closer and placed a kiss on her cheek. There friends all gave each other questioning looks, before Austin spoke up.

"So you guys are official now?" he asked
Damon coughed before responding to his friend
"Not yet" he said shoving another piece of food i his moth
"Oh alright" Blair said raising her eyebrow in question at the two
"I meant to talk to you guys about it, it's just we've all been so busy this week" Fallon said to her two friends across from her
They nodded in understandment at the girl before directing there attention to the food in-front of them. They ate together, talking about classes and catching up on everything that happen this past week while they weren't together.

• • • •

"Alright everyone! Hogsmead trips are a pleasure. Break any of my rules and there will no longer be these sacred trip..." Mcgonagall continued on with her speech of how these trips are a Gift and blah blah blah

Fallon was wearing a silk black short skirt with a cropped green turtleneck jumper and a mini black backpack. She curled her hair and put minimal makeup on with red lipstick. Bobbi wore an all white look, a white denim skirt, white jean jack and a white tank top with a black belt. She put her blonde hair into a high pony tail and natural makeup. Blair was wearing green leggings, a white crop to, with a nailhead black and white patterned oversized jacket. She straightened her long auburn hair and put on heavy makeup with pink lips.

It was the first Hogsmead trip of the year and it was just starting to get chilly at Hogwarts. Halloween was just around the corner and the girls had to get drinks for the Upcoming Halloween Party in the Slytherin Common room. There was going to be party's almost every night the next too weeks, which is the week before and the week of Halloween. The first party hosted was by Slytherin and of course the three most popular girls at the School would be attending and half hosting with there other fellow Slytherins.

"Hey Girlies" Yelled Dominique rushing up to the three girls, she was accompanied by Brynlee Armstrong and Tessa Garcia..
"Hi Dom" Blair said once the three girls appeared by there side
"You excited for the Partyy" Tessa said wiggling her eyebrows
"Yep! It's gonna be so much fun" Bobbi said before running into the costume store
The girls laughed at there bubbly friends excitement before following her inside the store..
The six girls looked around the store for costumes for each party, you can't wear the same costume more than twice. And a since there were going to be Six parties this year they each needed three costumes each...

Fallon and Blair started looking around the store together, they all chose that there first costume would be a duo. Fallon with Blair, Dominique with Tessa, Bobbi and Brynlee.
"Ooo Fal look" Blair said picking up a shiny plastic sword
"En Garde" Fallon said picking up the other sword and pointing at Blair
The brunette smirked before taking her opposing stance, they then started to fence each other around the store laughing as they did. Blair's foot hit the leg of a table causing her to fall back in surprised, the blonde girl laughed at her friend who had her eyes clutched closing awaiting the impact of the floor. When Blair didn't felt arms wrap around her, her eyes sprung open to be met with a familiar pair of blue eyes.


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