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"good wow?"

~ ~

"Alright everyone gather up!" Seth called to everyone of the quidditch field wearing green jerseys..Today was quidditch tryout for Slytherin team. Our roster was half gone because all the 7th years that had graduated had been on the teams since their 2nd or 3rd year. Seth Zabini was going to be quidditch captain this year since Beau Gray had left.
Tryouts started and Seth knew right away who his team was going to be. Many of the students trying out weren't very good or didn't work well with other people..

Practice ended after a very hard drills that Seth put everyone through. He wanted the people on his team to be the best of the best in Slytherin. He called everyone to get off the brooms and meet on the floor of the field

"Alright everyone gather up!"Seth yelled you get everyone to hear him. Once everyone had gathered in a circle around the Captain he started to read off the team.
"Ok so Keeper this year is Wesley Pucey, Our Beaters are Damon Nott and Miles Flint, Chasers are Fallon Malfoy, Blair Parkinson, Chance Higgs. And i will be your Seeker again this year." Many people applauded or groaned about not making the team and slowly trudged off the field with the shoulders slacking.


She whipped her head around hearing her name being called as she was walking off the Quidditch Pitch. Fallon found who her name was called by to see Damon jogging over to her.
"Hey," he said out of breath
"Hi Damon" Fallon said a blush rising to her cheeks as how close they were standing together. She could see the sweat dripping down his face and how his shirt clutched onto his broad shoulders tightly.
"So um about that kiss.." he said shyly rubbing the back of his neck

The dreaded topic Fallon we not looking to talk about today. She looked down at her feet before giving a sigh and responding to the boy
"Fallon i like you a lot, that kiss wasn't just a kiss to me." Damon exclaimed to her putting a hand on her chin and making her look into his eyes as he spoke to her. He could see the blush on her cheeks becoming a darker shade of pink making him laugh at her embarrassment
"I like you too Damon" she smiled at the boy

Damon smiled back before attaching his lips to hers in a sweet kiss. Fallon found her hands wandering up his chest and then securely around his neck playing with his hair. His hands fell from their place on her pale skinned face to her hips pulling her closer. If that was humanly possible. Fallon licked his bottom lip and then they were fighting for dominance, which Damon won. Fallon started running her hands through his dirty blonde hair as they continued to kiss before slowly pulling there heads apart..
"wow" Damon mumbled there for heads resting against each other's as they tried to catch there breaths
"good wow?" Fallon asked the boy with a smirk
"Definitely a good wow" he laughed kissing her lips again

The two of them started to walk back to the castle there hands intertwined. Many people looked at the two of them surprised at the new romance starting in-front of there eyes.

• • • •


James looked behind him to see a girl named Odette Chang skipping his way, her raven colored hair falling neatly on her shoulders, her arctic blue eyes shining with something James couldn't identify.

"Oh hey Odette" James smiled once she caught up to him
"I'm just gonna cut to the chase" she said quickly causing James to raise and eyebrow at the Ravenclaw girl. He nodded for her to continue, crossing his arms over his chest slinging his bag over his shoulders.
"Would you like to go to hogsmead with me this weekend?" she asked a blush rising to her cheeks as she realized what she had just said
Odette looked stunned at his quick reply
"wait really?"
"yeah i'll go to hogsmead with you" James said smirking at the shy girl infornt of him. He always loved when girls would get Bashful around him. Made him feel in power.
"Great! uh talk to you later" she said turning on her heel and running over to her group of friends who were staring at the interaction between the two hogwarts students. James laughed shaking his head before walking off to meet Fred and Luke in their common room.

"Hey" James said plopping down besides Luke in the Gryffindor common room. Luke was reading a book and Fred was sitting on the floor below them, staring at the marauders map. They both mumbled back 'hi's'
to the boy before turning back to what they were focusing on.
"Guess what Odette wanted"
This sparked the two boys interest and they both quickly turned to look at the Cocky boy with a smirk resting on his face.
"What?" Fred asked eager as Odette was one of the prettiest girl in school
"She asked me to hogsmead this weekend" he said with a smirk
Fred gasped looking at the boy hitting his arm slightly in surprise
"Your joking" luke said
James shook his head stifling a laugh at the two boys shock about the news
"i mean bloody finally she's only liked you since you guys were 8" Fred said laughing

Odette Chang liked James Sirius Potter since they were 8 years old when they first met at a party both there parents had brought them too. Odette was a a year younger than James, Fred and Luke but that didn't stop her from her Gigantic crush on the chosen ones son. Maybe it was just in her blood, i mean her mother Cho dated Harry in there 6th year at Hogwarts.

"Guess the Potter men have a thing for the Chang's" Fred said jokingly. Luke and James burst out laughing at the comment since it was probably true since Albus dated Odette's younger sister, Bonnie. Albus and Bonnie dated last year when they were both in there 2nd year. It didn't last very long maybe 2 months but there young so it was there first. Though Albus never did tell Harry about what happened last year between him and the Chang girl.

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