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"Bobbie says you look like you're about to kill someone

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"Bobbie says you look like you're about to kill someone."
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[fallons pov]

"Honey is that you?" your mother called when you opened the heavy door leading into your home.
"Yes it's me" you yelled back closing the door behind you. There was a series of loud footsteps heading your way and you looked up to see your Mother and Father. Your mom immediately pulled you into a tight hug.
"Please don't scare me like that again" she whispered into your ear, you hummed in response before she let you go and you looked over to your Father who shifted awkwardly.

"I'm sorry" he said walking closer wrapping his arms around you. "I'm sorry too dad"

"Look Fallon, i just want you to be careful ok? and seeing you like that with a guy just wasn't what i expected. You've always been my little girl and i just don't want you to grow up" He started when the three of you settled into the kitchen. You nodded your head before responding
"Dad i know and i'm sorry i should've told you guys"
"Now that that's out of the way-" your mom started placing her elbow of the table and hand on her chin
"Are you being safe? I mean with James are you two?" she said with a concerned look
"Oh gosh mom" you said letting you head fall to the table
"Fallon these are legitimate question. Are you sexually active?" Your mother asked you just groaned in response lifting you head off the wooden table, a very noticeable red tint to your face.
"Fallon Narcisaa Malfoy answer your mother" Your father said sternly with an eyebrow raised
"Yes" you muttered placing your hands on your forehead
"What! Fallon you are way to young to be doing that" You father yelled his face red with anger. Your mother placed an arm on his to calm him down.
"Hunny are you being safe?" she asked calmly
"Yes" you nodded
"Ok good, now go up to your room and i'll speak with you later" She said shooing you away before your Father could our burst again.

• • • •
*2 weeks later*

"Hi, James." A fourth year waved shyly at James, swinging her hip ever so slightly. You rolled your eyes, locking eyes with Blair across the table.
Great. Just great. Here came the parade, like any other day - Why not? You clearly didn't sign up for this when you accepted sitting beside your boyfriend and his friends instead of your roommates.
Blair shrugged as you watched your dear boyfriend sitting next to you wave back, winking at the girl and making her blush. You felt another pairs of eyes on you, obviously Luke and Fred's, and then you felt a small nudge from Blair from under the table.
You looked up at her, and she had her ears cupped by Bobbie's hands, and she was nodding to whatever the blonde was whispering to her. they were both looking at you.
"What is it?" You asked, trying to sound cheerful, but you could see Bobbie flinching. "Seriously, what is it?" You said again, when no one said anything, continuing to stare at you.
"Bobbie says you look like you're about to kill someone." Blair said casually, picking up his newspaper and burying her nose in it. You laughed half-heartedly, glancing at James, only to find him talking to Odette Chang sitting next to him.
"Potter." You growled, feeling a sprint of jealousy after you saw Odette throw her raven locks back and giggle at what James had said.
"Give me a minute, doll, I think Miss Chang might be growing on me." James flashed the beautiful raven his signature grin.
"You wish, Potter." She said, smiling sweetly at you, to which you scowled and turned away. You spooned at your tea again.
"Um, Fallon?"You heard Fred call. You grunted in response. "I - I'm sorry."
You formed a small smile on your lips, shaking your head. "It's fine, Freddie.I just gotta go rest." You slowly stood up, tossing Fred James' robes, which you were using as a blanket for your knees.
"Should I come with you, Fal?" Blair asked, shrugging off Luke' arms around her. You shook you head at Luke' glare.
"I'm not sure if you'll even be allowed in our dorm, B, and besides, your boyfriend is gonna kill me if I steal you from him." You started leaving the Great Hall, until you felt a hand grab your wrist.
"Hey, why are you leaving so fast?" You turned around to find James' hand on your shoulder. He had a playful smirk on his face, with twinkling eyes you made a hobby on looking at, but today, it all seemed too much to take.
"You really don't know?" You spat, even interrupting Luke' daily reading. Your friends stared at you, shocked and alerted at your tone. James started smiling and looked around him, and then realized everyone was frowning or wincing.
"Oh, you're angry." He blurted out, putting a serious look on his face. You scoffed, resisting the urge to kick him in the shins.
"Yes, I bloody am." You said, crossing your arms. "Any idea why, you smart git?"

James stammered before looking back at his friends. Blair looked away, while Fred was trying not to laugh, and Bobbie was tugging on his sleeve, warning him not to laugh at a situation like this.
Luke cleared his throat, motioning to answer you quickly. James looked back at you, thinking hard. "...Is it because I ate the last of your chocolate stack?"
"You WHAT?!" You felt yourself go red in the face. James held his hands out, trying to calm you down.
"Doll, I'm sorry. I'm sure Blair will lend you some, she has loads under his bed."
"No, she won't." You said, looking at Blair with an eyebrow raised.
"No, I won't." Blair agreed, turning a page of the 'Daily Prophet'. James started pleading with him, but you shook your head, running your hand through your hair.
"That's not why I'm mad at you, James. I don't want to be in a relationship with you until you fix it!" You said, turning on your heels and walking out of the Great Hall. James stared after you, before turning to the group, who were also awed.
"Okay, who blew the fact that I used her Hair Potion?" James asked, earning a huge laugh from Fred and Luke.
"J, I gave that to her for her birthday." Blair laughed. Her mother, the one and only Pansy Parkinson had giftbags of those for the whole family to give away.
Bobbie shook her head in disbelief. "How could someone be so clueless?" She said out loud. "Even Fred figured out why, and he's not the smartest of wizards."
"Hey!" Fred protested, but he gave in when Bobbie gave him the glare. "Fine, it's true, you're stupider than me, James."
"Well, what else would I have done wrong?" James asked himself. Luke scoffed while folding the page he'd just finished. "I didn't miss her birthday, I didn't miss our 1 month anniversary... It's because of the shampoo, isn't it?"
Everyone groaned, Blair and Luke the loudest. Bobbie threw a bagel at James, who easily dodged it. "You've been making her jealous, you idiot!" She shouted, reaching for a chicken leg - but failed when Fred quickly grabbed it and shoved it into his mouth.
"Making her jealous?" James said, blinking.
"Even this morning, you were talking to Chang, remember?" Luke said, stirring your leftover cup of tea. "You told Fallon that Odette and you had a fling when you first started going out."
"And - And that fourth year you just winked at?" Bobbie stuttered, fixing her crooked tie.
"And you do that - I don't know - EVERYDAY?" Blair added, rolling her eyes as James pulled a face.
"Ohhhh..." James took a seat beside Fred . "Now I get it." He gazed blankly ahead at the Ravenclaw table, catching Odette sending im a wink. A few minutes ago, he would've sent one back, except now he was focusing on what was always more important. "Godric, I messed up."
"Not if you go after her, mate." Fred said, handing James his robes. "Good luck, pissed girlfriends are the scariest." Luke laughed as he dodged Blair's swatting hand.
"That's why you need to delight them." Knox said finally, taking a sip of tea. Everyone turned to him. He put the cup down, frowning. "What?"
"That's it. You'll help me!" James said, climbing over the table to sit beside Knox. "You can help me get Fallon back! I'll get you twenty chocolate frogs at the next trip to Hogsmeade. Knox, please!" He begged, earning an eyeroll from the tanned boy.
"I'm not really in the right position to be judging, but... Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" Blair said out loud, pursing her lips to resist a smile.
"Never have I thought Jaime would be begging to Knox for dating advice." Fred chuckled.
"Me neither. You never told us about any experiences, Thomas." Max said, nibbling at a loaf of bread. Knox turned pink at their words and groaned when he met James' puppy eyes.
"FINE!" Knox shrieked a bit when James wrapped his arms tight around him.
"I so owe you, Knox!!"
"Damn right you do, Potter." Knox sighed before untangling the clinging boy from his torso. "Now follow me to our dorm, I might have a plan."

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