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"You don't need to apologize, love"~ ✧ ~

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"You don't need to apologize, love"
~ ~

[fallons pov]

You ran out of your Grand front door, slinging your backpack over your shoulders and fastening the silver chains. Speed walking down the brick street, you wiped at your tears with one hand and held your phone with the other, calling James.
"Hello, love," chirped James, sounding overjoyed to speak to you as per usual. "Everything okay?"
"No," you sobbed, clutching the phone.
"Sweetheart? Why are you crying? What's going on?" asked James frantically. Though you couldn't see him, you knew he'd started pacing worriedly already.
"I'm so fed up of arguing with them," you told him, voice slightly raspy from yelling back and forth. "Is it alright if I come over? I don't know where else to go."
"Of course, love. But it's an hour walk," said James. "It looks like it's going to rain, too. Do you want my mum to come and get you?"
"It's okay. I can walk," you said. You knew you'd get soaked and you knew the walk would leave you aching in the morning, but you felt like you'd be bothering her.
"Don't be daft. You'll catch hypothermia. Mum, can you pick up Fallon, please?" James called down the stairs. You heard a muffled response. "Where are you?"
"Station 22" you said, your rusty british making James laugh a little. "Shut up James"
"Sorry," apologised James. "She's on her way, okay? I'll see you in ten."
You couldn't help but feel a little grateful for James stubbornness. You sat on a bench, pulling the hood of your raincoat over your head as it began to rain. Good thing you called Jamss. You took the time to collect yourself, and you thankfully stopped crying. Though, you knew you'd crack the second James asked if you were okay.
About 5 minutes after the call, a familiar silver car pulled up. The window rolled down to reveal Ginny Potter, her hair a deep red and her kind smile replaced with one of concern.
"James sent me to pick you up," said Ginny, gesturing to the passenger seat.
You simply nodded. The argument had taken all the energy out of you, and you wanted nothing more than to flop on to James bed and sleep for hours. You got in the passenger seat and put your bag at your feet. Ginny pulled off and you texted James to let him know you were on your way.

"So you and my son?" Ginny asked smiling as she drove
"Yep" you replied
"Since Harry and Draco found your he's been non stop talking to me about you, you've really changed him Fallon" Ginny said brushing her red hair out of her face giving a soft smile, you drove in peaceful silence until she spoke up again
"There's a chocolate bar in the glovebox if you'd like it," said Ginny, tapping the wheel as she waited for the lights to turn green.
The rumble of your stomach answered that question for you, and you pulled out the bar of Dairy Milk and unwrapped it. "One of Albus's, I assume?"
"Harry', actually," said Ginny, an affectionate smile on her face as she thought of her husband. "He leaves some in here, calms his nerves', she says. "I'm sure this counts."
"He won't mind, will he?" you asked. You'd met him enough times to know he wouldn't care, but you wanted to be polite.
"No, of course not. Have you seen his stash?"
You laughed. Harry and Albus were too much alike. You chatted with Ginny on the way, and that did cheer you up a little. A few minutes later, you were pulling into the driveway of the Potter household. You both got out and walked quickly towards the front door.
"Let me take your coat, dear," said Ginny. You thanked her and took off your raincoat, giving it to Ginny who hung it on the coat rack to dry.
"Hello, Fallon" greeted Harry, the mug of tea in his hands and the warm smile on his face. "James is in his room."
You thanked him and jogged up the deep red carpeted stairs. You pushed open the first door on the left and shut it gently. James, who was sitting on his bed watching something on his phone, got up and rushed over to you straight away.
"Hey," said James, seeming apprehensive to hug you. "What happened? Is it about them seeing us? How are you feeling?"

Tears welled in your eyes again and you didn't even reply to . You let yourself fall forward into his arms, and he was quick to wrap his arms around you and steady you. James didn't say anything. He just took you over to his bed and held you.
You were grateful for James silence, to be honest. It gave you a chance to think and let out your emotions. It helped you calm, too.
You thought of the scent of hot chocolate that you inhaled with your face buried in the soft fleece of James jumper. You thought about the gentle ruby glow of James LED strip lights, and how stunning the glow would look dancing across his deep brown eyes when you eventually looked up. You thought about the hushed 80s mix playing on his radio, and the taste of fire-whisky lingering on your tastebuds. You thought about James's hands running up and down your back so gently that you barely felt it.
"I'm sorry," you mumbled into his chest when you were calm enough to speak without bursting into tears. "I-"
"You don't need to apologise, love," frowned James, pulling away from you but resting his hands on your knees. "I know you're tired, but I can't let you fall asleep sad, okay? Hey, look at this."
You looked up at James and noticed his hair had look very close to a deep red than his usual brown. You moved some of his messy hair out of his face and placed a kiss on the tip of his nose.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked after the both of you sat there in silence
"Well my dad started to yell at me about it and The fact that i kept it from him-" you started looking at your hands
"Well scorp kinda tried to defend me and then it got really bad and Dad was just saying all these things and-" you stopped talking as tears fell from your face. James wrapped an arm around you bringing you into him. He kissed your head, rubbing a hand up and down you back
"I'm so sorry Love" he said, you pulled away from him and he wiped a tear away from your face. "How did Harry and Ginny react?"
"Well i got yelled at by Dad for snogging a girl in our basement-" James said shaking his head laughing causing you to laugh too
"But mum was happy about it" James smiled, you nodded your head attaching your lips to his.
"James Potter I love you" you whispered against his lips
"Fallon Malfoy I love you" he whispered back, leading you over to his bed and sitting the two of your down attaching his lips back onto yours.

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