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"you little stubborn git!""

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"you little stubborn git!"
"..don't worry baddy they were just flirtingg"

~ ~

Blair jumped up from the boys arms dusting off her skirt. Luke started to laugh at the girls flustered face, his friends laughing behind him also.

"You alright there Blair?" he asked running a hand through his blonde locks

"O-oh y-ya totally" she responded rubbing the pack of her neck a rosy color rising to her cheeks.

"B? You alright sorry for that" Fallon said rushing to the side of her friend

"Oh hi Luke" she said with a smirk raising an eyebrow at the two

"Hey Fallon" he responded giving her a small wave

"Looks like Blair really fell for you huh?" Fred said with a laugh slinging his arm around his friend

"She really did, didn't she" Knox said appearing beside them

"Well it was so lovely seeing you three but if you excuse us we really have to continue shopping" Fallon said pulling away Blair from the three boys and over to there Friends who were looking at Angel & Devil costumes...

"Soo what have you guys decide so far?" Bobbi asked picking up a emerald green pendant chocker with a snack engraved on the back
"Well we found some plastic swords so maybe for our first costume we'll be pirates!" Blair exclaimed pointing the sword at the group
"What about you guys?"
"Well me Tes found these cute cheetah and leopard print skirts and tops so we're thinking Hot cave women!" Dom squealed showing is the clothing in her hands
"Omg i found this bone thingy that would go great with that" Bobbi said grabbing two of the bones and handing it to the girls
"What did you and Brynlee decide on?" Fallon asked
"Ok so we found these tube tops that have red diamond on them and found some red clown noses" Bobbi answered also showing the group what she found...
The group of girls continued to get there costumes ready, coming up with two others deciding that there last one would be a group Costume..

• • • •

"Alright boys we have to get the booze" Damon said dragging Austin and Seth towards the drink store

They were in charge of buying all the alcohol for both Slytherin parties coming up. They did a spell to make them look 10 years older before walking into the liquor store..

"Hello how can i help you guys today?" asked a young Blonde lady walking up to them
"Some beetle berry, firewisky, daisyroot draught-" Austin started looking around at the ingredients
"Oh! and some Dragon Scale" Seth said spotting the bubbly drink on the favorite menu

"Is that all?" The blonde questioned raising her eyebrow at the boys disguised as men
"Do you have any of the giggle-water from america?" Seth asked
"Yes we just got a new shipment today, should i add that in too?"
All three of the boys nodded there head and the Blonde wrapped up all of the alcohol and placed it into bags placing it on the counter, she held out her hand for the money. Austin handed her a couple gallons before grabbing one of the bags and headed towards the door. The two other boys followed his actions saying a 'thank you' to the lady before leaving the store and heading back to the castle that was nearby..

• • • •

"Hello Luke" Blair said as she sat down beside the blonde boy in the Potions classroom
"Hi Blair, looks like we're paired up again, huh" he replied giving her a sweet smile
"Well we work good together so it's alright" she said pulling out her Potions notebook
"Hey Blair do you maybe wa-"
Luke was interrupted by a loud pitched scream coming from across there table

"You little stubborn git! If you followed the instructions for once in your life none of this would have happened" Fallon screamed at James. It wasnt the first time that Baddock had paired the two of them for the day and disaster had set loose since the first second. He was stupid, stubborn, childish, egocentric, shallow, provoking and Merlin, how Fallon hated him. He huffed in mild annoyance but smirked at the girl with his eyebrow arched. He was looking to get slapped.
"You look better when I can't see your face" he said coldly. He had covered Fallon with slime and it was disgusting. It smelled funny and she looked orange. Fallon calmed her breathing and looked at him all too innocent. She grabbed the cauldron and spilled whatever was left on him. Fuck you, Potter she thought.
"Now you look lovely too" she remarked when he groaned with aggravation and a pained expression was plastered on his face. Luke and Blair were looking at them with a funny look as if they knew something that Fallon had yet to discover.
"Merlin's beard! Mister Potter, Miss Malfoy , care to explain what happened here?" Baddock exclaimed but not surprised because he was talking to the biggest rebels of Hogwarts. All that was missing now was Freds comment. The other problematic student, as he called the three of you.
"Don't worry Baddy. They were just flirting!" Fred said with a smirk from the other side of the table. With a roll of her eyes, Fallon stood up and left the class. Screw you, Potter. Luke smiled to himself while Fred laughed at a wide-eyed James. He had it bad.

"What did you do James?" Bobbi asked staring at him wide eyed
"I might have messed up the potion" he responded shyly. Bobbi rolled her eyes before grabbing her bags and rushing to get out of the classroom to find her Orange looking friend.

"Anyway what were you saying?" Blair asked turing her focus to the boy next to her
"Oh um i-"
"Blair cmon!" Bobbi yelled from her place at the door to the entrance of the Potions class
"Sorry" Blair said giving him a sympathetic smile before packing up her things and walking quickly to her impatient friend
"Took you long enough" Bobbi mumbled as they left
"Oh shut it" Blair response hear rushing to her cheeks. They made there way to find Fallon, looking in every crack and corner of the castle before finally finding her in the Common room.

"IM ORANGE!" Fallon exclaimed turning around and looking at her two friends trying to hold in there laughter
"I can see that" Bobbi said putting down her bag
"Here i know the spell to help" Blair said putting her stuff down beside Bobbi's
She did the spell quickly mumbling out a few words before putting her wand away
"Thank you B!" Fallon exclaimed pulling her friend into a hug
"Where'd you learn that spell?" Bobbi asked leaning against the coach in the Slytherin common room, that was deserted. Everyone being at class. Blair plopped down onto the spot on the couch right next to Bobbi.

"Oh uh Luke taught me it" She said playing with her hands in her lap
Fallon looked up at Bobbi a smirk resting on her face
"So during one of you Study dates?"
"There not dates" Blair said running a hand through her brown hair
"We're just studying"
"uh huh sureee" Bobbi said dragging out the e at the end
"I'm being serious!"

"Totally" Fallon said as they started to walk up the strairs to there dorm

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