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"Did I ever tell you that you have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen? They look like the ocean after a storm

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"Did I ever tell you that you have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen? They look like the ocean after a storm."
~ ~

[fallons pov]

By the time potions class had started in the afternoon, word had quickly gotten around that James had once again ended another relationship.
It wasn't much of a surprise to you, that's usually what James did, and then he would move on to the next girl willing to deal with his arrogant self.

What you were surprised by, was James not only beating you to the potions classroom, but by already being seated with his book out. The very sight of James Potter already prepared for class, made you raise your eyebrows.
"You're earlier than usual." You set your bag on the floor and grabbed your own potion book, opening it the page written on the chalkboard.
"Elixir to induce euphoria." You read the name of the potion then glanced over the list of ingredients. "This should be simple."
You turned your attention to James next. He was looking back and forth between the blackboard, the potions book and you.

"So...heard you've become recently single." You propped your elbow on the desk, your head resting in your hand.
"I have. Are you interested?" James leaned in and wiggled his eyebrows, making you scoff.
"Hardly. I was just making a statement. Who's your next girl? Wait. Don't tell me. Let me guess." You looked around the room at the girls sitting in various places.
"Ellis?" The girl you were talking about was sitting on the opposite side of the room, her brown hair piled messily on top of her head.
"She threatened to rip my balls off once." You snorted and covered your mouth with your hand.
"And I'm guessing your partial to your balls?" You tilted your head and cracked a smile.
"Yeah a little bit." You shook your head and laughed under your breath.
"Longbottom? Heard once upon a time, you had the hots for her." James never answered your question, but rather fired back his own question.

"Why haven't you gotten yourself a date with Nott yet? If you're so into him, why do you need my help?" You fidgeted in your seat, eyes wandering to the boy in question.
"Damon Nott.... everything your not. He's such a dream. And Potter i don't need your help with Boys i've got that covered" You looked away from Damon Nott, and focused back on James sending him a wink
"You're not experienced in flirting? No, not you. That's such a shock." You rolled your eyes and turned away from James, silence between you two which lasted until Professor Baddock stood at the front of the class, addressing you all.
"Good afternoon everyone. I've written the potion we are going to be making on the board. I want you all to grab your ingredients and start working. It's due at the end of class today."

"Want me to get yours too?" You looked down at the list of ingredients you needed, taking a mental picture of it. You stood and walked to the back of the class, gathering what you needed. You got James' ingredients as well as yours, and then walked back to your seat.
"Thanks Malfoy" You set up your ingredients in a row, reading through the entire set of instructions before starting to make it.
"This ones pretty easy actually. Just make sure you don't forget to add the counteractive ingredients." You took your peppermint and added it to the cauldron, your potion turning red first.
"Mine isn't as red as yours." You peered into James' cauldron and frowned. His potion had a tinge of red slightly orange but not nearly enough red.
"Okay so you're going to have to add more peppermint until it turns true red." You stood by James, watching as he added peppermint, finally get the right shade.

"Perfect! Now add shrivelfig, this will turn it turquoise. After that you need to stir it until it turns green." You turned your attention back to your own potion, following the recipe in your book.
"Once you're done that, you let it simmer until it turns goldie yellow." You set your stirrer down and sat on the bench, hands on knees, watching James work.
"Wow your actually listening to me Potter" You thought your question fell on dead ears, but soon enough James had fired back.
"Not like i want too, Quidditch and Auror Training are on the line." You frowned and fiddled with the ends of your hair.
"That's the only reason why i keep my grades up." James gave you a side glance and then looked back at his potion.
"Its yellow." You stood, checked on your own potion, and told James the next step.
"Add porcupine quills until the potion turns purple." You picked up your stirrer in your hands and completed the next step on your own potion.

"I've got an idea Malfoy, show me what you got. Flirt on me." James followed you and sat back down, only occassionally checking on his potion.
"Seriously? Okay. Um" The look James gave you insisted that you do what he said
"I know you've dated Fallon. But have you dated, dated?" you smacked his shoulder with the back of your hand.
"Yes i have Potter" James rolled his eyes and then he reached out and grabbed your hand. His thumb ran across your knuckles and he looked you dead in the eye, his lips twitching.
"Did I ever tell you that you have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen? They look like the ocean after a storm." You furrowed your eyebrows, blinking a few times.
"Oh come on, does that line actually work? On all your Girlfriends, that was very generic Potter even for you" You turned back to your potion, stirring it once before adding the next ingredient.

You heard James mumble something under his breath, the mini-flirting lesson over, as you both worked on your potion.

• • • •

James finished his potion on record time, with your help, and once he was finished, he bottled it and set it aside. You were also finished your potion, but instead of looking at James, you looked past him and toward Damon.
There was something about him that James didn't like. Something that maybe Damon didn't show, but James could sense. He couldn't at all explain it, he just knew that he didn't like the Slytherin star quidditch player.

You did, and you couldn't stop talking about how amazing the guy was. You talked about his hair, his eyes, his height, his smarts, his quidditch skills. You talked about everything you liked about him, and James still didn't like him. He never liked him, or his friends, or anyone in Slytherin. Including Fallon.

"Your potion looks amazing! Good job, Golden Boy." You grinned in your teasing way, giving his shoulder a shove.
"Golden Boy?" James raised an eyebrow.
"We still on those Nicknames huh? Slytherin Princess" he said smirking at the blonde girl.
James looked over his shoulder. Damon was sitting with one of the other members of the quidditch team, his arm draped across the back of his chair, a smug look on his face. A smug look James wanted to knock off his face.
"You really want a date with that guy?"

"Cmon Potter, of course i do. I've known him since i was born. It's always been us two. Our parents have wanted us together i guess" You didn't know why you were telling James this but it was true; It's always been you and Damon.

"He's not that good at quidditch." James mumbled under his breath before running his fingers through his messy brown locks.
Professor Baddock announced the end of class after his comment.
James stood and grabbed his potion, tossing it back and forth in his hands. The potion was the same shade of yellow as yours, thankfully. That must mean that Potter didn't completely fail his potion.
"If you talk to Damon, make a joke. It'll ease the tension. If he laughs at your joke, lightly tap his shoulder and play with your hair." James felt his mouth getting dry.
"James i've told you-"

"Just listen to me for once Malfoy"

James knew it would work with him. Even if you hadn't joked, it'd work with him.
He flashed you a smile, an uncomfortable feeling building in his gut.
"Okay yeah. I'll try that." You grabbed your bag and held your potion tightly in your hand.

"I'll see you later for tutoring, yeah?" James nodded and watched you walk toward the front of the class.
Merlin there must be something wrong with him. He then left the class to go to practice for the upcoming Quidditch match.

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