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"failing? ..i'm failing... potions!?"

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[fallons pov]

"He's so hot." James Potter is a prick.
"He's such a good snogger." James Potter is a pig.
"He's good in the sheets." James Potter had infected every heart of any girl who was stupid enough to fall for his tricks. And you hated him.
"Excuse me but some people are actually trying to study so we can actually graduate." You snapped at the gaggle of girls in the library sitting at the table in front of you.
"Excuse me but we are talking about James Potter." The snooty girls who looked at James with heart eyes, thought they were the ones who would finally tame the playboy.
They could try, they did try, and then they got their hearts broken. Like a few girls in your dorm room, they had fallen for James, had a fling with him and were dumped for the next one.
"Oh my mistake. Don't let me interrupt your obsessive gossiping about James Potter's wondeful snogging." You rolled your eyes and slammed your book shut, shoving it into your bag.
You stood and threw the bag over your shoulder. These girls really needed to find something better to do with their time.
"You're just jealous because Potter wouldn't look twice at you." You crossed your arms over your chest, wondering if the girls who obsessed over James had rose coloured glasses.
"Oh yes. I'm absolutely crushed that I will never be one of James most wonderful conquests. Just heart broken. And i'm sorry cherry but have you forgotten who i am" You rolled your eyes, for the second time, and left the library, finding no peace in there.
You had been trying to study for the paper that was due in Transfiguration on Friday, but hearing nothing but commentsl about James Potter had sure dampened that hope.
It wasn't that you actually hated James Potter. Wait no you did. You thought he was a prick and a pig. And you hated how carelessly he seemed to toss girls aside. And more than that, you hated how he and his friends, with the exception of Dom, thought everything was a big joke.

"Studying didn't go well?" That was the first question you heard when you walked into the Slytherin common room. Your dorm mate Bianca had been laying on the couch, her boyfriend laying behind her, his hand on her stomach.
"Oh it went wonderful. I just had to listen to girls squealing and fawning over Potter for the past hour." Bianca and her boyfriend both moved to let you sit down with them.
When you sat, she handed you a piece of parchment, your name scrawled on top. You furrowed your eyebrows and grabbed the parchment skeptically.
"Head boy left it for you. It's from professor Baddock." You opened the parchment and started reading what was written inside, setting the parchment in your lap when you were done.
"He wants to see me after class tomorrow." Your dorm mate shrugged and shifted her position, resting against her boyfriend's chest.
"Wonder what he wants." You shrugged and picked up your bag, tossing it over your shoulder.
"I'm sure it's not bad. Anyway, I'm gonna go study in bed. Enjoy yourselves." You winked at the couple and walked toward the stairs leading to the girls dorms.
"We will, Malfoy!"You liked your friends boyfriend. He was everything James wasn't.

• • • •

"Failing? I'm failing potions?!" James looked at the parchment in front of him, and then professor Baddock.
He couldn't be failing potions. He hadn't failed a class yet. How could he be failing? Sure, James could have been a little distracted, but it was hardly his fault.
He couldn't be blamed for being distracted when there were so many cute girls in potions, and even if there weren't, he didn't think he was doing that bad.
"You are failing, Mr. Potter and if you don't start getting a passing grade in this class, you will not be eligible for the auror program after you graduate." James crumpled the parchment in his hands.
"So what do you suggest I do, professor?" James knew what he wanted to do after graduating. Becoming an auror was what he and Fred wanted to do together, that, or Qudditch players. Following in his mum's footsteps.
"I'm going to have one of my best students work with you for the rest of the quarter. She will also tutor you until you get an outstanding mark in this class." James wanted to roll his eyes and curse under his breath, but he felt he was already testing the waters.
"Who is my tutor?" A knock on the door prevented Professor Baddock from answering James question. Baddock had instead told whoever was knocking to come in.
When the door creaked open, James attention was turned toward the girl who had walked in. "Of course" James thought rolling his eyes at the blonde girl.

"Come in miss Malfoy" When you walked toward the desk, James saw the obvious sneer in his direction.
"In trouble again, Potter? That's no surprise." James furrowed his eyebrows at the girl in annoyance
"Mr. Potter, Miss Malfoy will be your partner for the rest of the year as well as your tutor." James had failed to hide his smirk when he saw the look on your face.
Your head had snapped toward him and you looked genuinely disturbed and shocked. You quickly looked back toward the professor, your own hands clenched.
"With all due respect Professor Baddock, I think Potter is beyond help." Ouch. That hurt.
"As you know me and Mr. Potter don't exactly work well together" I said tugging on the sleeve of my robe
"Yes well you two will have to learn i suppose" said the Potions professor taking off his glasses and setting them onto his desk

"Protesting because you're afraid you'll fall in love with me?" James smirked at you flirty, thinking his charm and charisma would win you over like all the other girls.
"Hardly. You may not realize this Potter, but there are some girls in the school who think you're a pig. And I'm one of them." He looked you up and down, his smirk growing. He could win you over, he was sure of it.
"My decision has been made. Tomorrow Mr. Potter , you will sit with Miss Malfoy. And Miss Malfoy, you will tutor Mr. Potter after classes. Good day." James watched you huff and turn away, steam almost coming out of your ears.
Oh he would like this. He loved a challenge. And he loved testing Fallon.

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