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"are you really that thick?"~ ✧ ~

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"are you really that thick?"
~ ~

[fallons pov]

"Fallon, I have to say this before I go mad," said Blair out of the blue one day, as you and your four dormmates lounged in the common-room. "You're bloody oblivious."
You looked up from your Transfiguration essay. Against your will, a beetroot flush spread across your cheeks. Why would Blair say something like that? What did I do wrong? "What do you mean?" you asked her.
Blair exchanged a glance with Bobbi, who was absentmindedly throwing a wad of parchment up into the air. While Blair's expression was unreadable, Bobbi's was very readable; layers of anger and irritation were flickering on the hollows of her jaw. The girl in question sat up, caution-less, and blurted out, "Are you really that thick?"
Silence. Bobbi quickly covered her mouth, looking simultaneously unabashed and apologetic, while Blair bit her lip and sighed. Josie was twiddling her fingers, looking out-of-place in the conversation-and Hannah Dallas, well, she was looking over at a , Landon Bell who was sat with a few other members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

You sat down your quill. "Well, I don't know what you're talking about. At all. What is it?"
It was Hannah, of all the girls, to say, "They're talking about James."
"What about James?" You wracked your brain for a logical explanation for why James would have anything to do with this conversation-why he, of everything and anything that could be a part of this conversation, was what made you "thick" and "oblivious." There was nothing. "He's who I tutor in Potions. What's he got to do with anything?"
Blair let out a groan, while the other girls shared frustrated glances. Was there something you were missing? It seemed so. Made especially apparent when Bobbi huffed out a raspberry and said, with all the poise and subtlety of a bear, "He fancies you, you nitwit."

No. No. Your expression grew befuddled, and your brow twitched. Did you raise an eyebrow, or furrow your forehead until your face was nothing but creases and squinty eyes? You couldn't decide. "Potter does not fancy me," you said, ignoring the way your heart spluttered at the news. "He's a womanizer. Womanizers don't settle."
"He would for you!" Blair burst. The entire common room glanced over, and Hannah sunk deep into the divan when Landons attention diverted to the girls. A look of apology was on Blair's face, but again-she didn't look as sorry as she should have been. "Sorry. Anyway... We've been here for-what? Five years? And I've never seen James like this with anyone. He doesn't respect boundaries, and he flirts even when the girl's not bloody interested. The only girl he's ever shown respect for is his sisters or cousin, and Blair but barely and that's because Luke has claimed her for himself."
"Hey!" protested Blair, but she went ignored.

You shook your head. "I don't believe that at all," you said. Your mind was in an over-analytical uproar, going through past memories and picking apart scenes that supported and uncorroborated James claim. What you concluded was that Sirius saw you as a someone he hated. "Guys, me and Potter hate each other."
"Oh, Merlin." Bobbi face palmed. Hannah broke into a giggle fit. Blair's lips twitched, like she was half a second from joining Blair in uncontrollable laughter, and Josie... well, she just looked confused. She wasn't there when Bobbi, Hannah, and Blair conspired about James fancying you. "I think I'm going to cry. Fallon, you are frustratingly dim."
You shook your head, chancing a glance around the common room to make sure no one of notable importance was around. You honestly probably would have fainted if you had to explain to any of the guys what this conversation was about, and where the idea of a crush was coming from. Any of them would laugh it off-except James, who would hang this over your head until the day you died. And that was what reasoning you gave yourself when you pretended to roll up a sleeve and check an imaginary wristwatch, yanking down the cloth before any of your dormmates could notice the lie.
"Well, would you look at the time-I have a session with James in a few minutes." You started throwing your things into your satchel, barely sparing a wince when your Transfiguration essay was crumbled and carelessly shoved into the bag. Oh well, I'll fix it later, you thought dismissively, only taking precaution when you had a bottle of ink in your hand.
The girls watched you suspiciously. "I thought you only had sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays," said Bobbi, her mouth twisting into a frown.

"We changed it, to fit with our Quidditch schedules ."
"Halfway through the semester?" Blair was catching on. So were the other three, though Josie didn't verbalize her suspicions-something you were ever-so-thankful for.
You gave them a quick smile. "Yup. Bye!" You hightailed it out of the common room, barely dodging the other half of your group as they were just entering from the door.
"Oh, hullo, Fallon!" said Damon, flashing you a damnably charming smile. For a moment, you lost your wits and all you wanted to do was smile and say your own, albeit awkward, greeting-but then you remembered...
Blair. Bobbi. Hannah. Josie.
All undoubtedly watching this potential catastrophe, from the oblivious look on Damon's face to the dawning horror in yours.
"Hey, Damon!" you said in reply. You made sure to ignore your dormmates, who were burning holes in your backside. "You going to study with Potter?" he asked a scowl on his face
"Yep but i'll see you later" you replied flirtily rubbing your hand up and down his arm seductively
"Bye" he said smiling kissing your cheek

Once you found James in the Library at your current table you rushed over and plopped down into the seat beside him.

"Wow, where's the fire?" he joked, voice a bit too shaky to be coming from James. But you ignored it. Desperate to get away from the vicinity, when you wouldn't put it past Blair and Bobbi to follow the two of you to the classroom. "Fallon-"
"Let's just started studying, ok?" he nodded at your questioned and you began to study and work on your current project. You both moved at the same time and your hands touched and they rested that way as you both read the Potions book...

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