Chapter 19 {SEASON TWO} *

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It been 2 days since Alex was shot

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It been 2 days since Alex was shot. Although she was still confined to a hospital bed, she was healing at quicker than normal pace; which was mostly due to her abilities.

Alex had heard about Lydia soon after surgery, Lydia was just trying to look for Jackson and instead she was almost killed.

But the bite didn't take her, nor did she take the bite.

She was immune.

"Wait so they knew?" Stiles asked

Stiles hadn't left Alex's side all weekend, although things were quite hostile between he and her father, it didn't stop him from staying with her.

Alex liked having him around, someone who hasn't changed how they looked at her now.

"They said when I came back, I healed him and they hoped it was nothing. I don't know if I'm mad or relieved"

"And they didn't-

"Kill me, no. Apparently I don't fall under the code of ethic" she shrugged

"I just hate that they have this code that they live and breathe by, I mean Scott is 16 and they were ready to kill him but somehow I'm different" aled admitted

"Well, I'm glad you are okay you know" stiles almost mumbled, "I know we haven't been together long but seeing you like that it was hard"

"Hey, time doesn't make a difference. Right now you are who I feel safest and more at comfortable around, I'm sorry you had to see me like that after saving Lydia, but I'm okay now. I'll be home by tonight"

Alex moved her food around with her fork, not really eating much - it wasn't exactly top rated food.

"You not hungry?" Stiles asked

"Oh no, I'm Starving. But this isn't exactly Chefs best"

"Really?" He raised a brow, he pulled it over and tried some. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either.

"I'm going to the vending machine, you need something better than this" stiles stood up.

"Ooh m&ms please" Alex smiled,

"Coming right up" He nodded firmly, before leaving he leaned over and kissed her. He was finally becoming more comfortable with that.

"Mm, I like when you do that" Alex hummed

"Ahem" Chris cleared his throat from the doorway, instantly making stiles go all stiff and ridged.

"Uh.." stiles stammered "sorry sir" he apologized, slipping pass him as quick as could.

Stiles was reluctant to fill Alex in on what happened before Chris found them at the hale house, he didn't plan to either.

Chris shut the door and glared at his daughter "What the hell was he doing here?"

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