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As soon as Brooke entered the meeting room, she knew things were really serious

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As soon as Brooke entered the meeting room, she knew things were really serious. The atmosphere was so serious and the tension was so palpable that it would probably have been possible to reach out and cut it with a knife. Brooke sat on the space left out for them, along with Ayden, Sylvia, Ruan, Reva and Althea.

After a few minutes, Gran was rolled into the room on a wheel-chair and placed at the head of the room along with Ayden's dad. The nature spirits flew in with a summer breeze and the scent of wet soil. The spirit she had previously talked up, stood at the centre of the clearing in the council room. She then looked at Brooke and her friends before beginning.

"It has come to our attention that Brooke's twin sister, and Katherine's second grand-daughter has been kidnapped and held under the control of an evil witch. Brooke, along with two of her friends, wishes to go on an endeavour to get her sister back home and defeat the witch. We have called this meeting to talk about the ways we can assist her in the process, because the witch she is against is no petty one, she was the reason of parent's death – as I understand from my visions – and she aims to killing Brooke as well as her sister too. Her name – Morana."

Conversation spurred out in the room with a roar and it hardly died down even when the spirit continues to talk.

"Our kind has seen her rise in the past, which, thanks to Cheryl and Leonardo, was contained from turning fatal for the rest of us. They have sacrificed their lives to save that of ours and to make sure of our well-being. It is now our duty to support her daughter every which way possible in order to ensure her success. Does anybody object?"

She looked around the room and everybody nodded in agreement. Nobody objected. Well, at least they weren't going to object in letting her go out. Brooke was afraid that they won't let her go to find and save her sister just because she wasn't trained enough or something like that. But nobody did. Every once in a while, the room glanced at her, and gave her appreciative nods, as if to say, 'We praise your bravery and determination.'

The spirit now turned to Brooke.

"My dear, come here along with your chosen companions." Brooke did so. All three of them got up from their seats and stood at the centre of the room alongside the spirit.

"If anybody has something to tell them which they think might help them in their endeavours, speak now."

A man from her right stood up from his seat.

"My child, do you know who Morana even is?" Brooke's heart beat out of her chest.

"I'm sorry, no. I don't."

"Very well. Morana, was once, very much like you a student, here at SAMS. One of the greatest witches the world has even seen. She was a brilliant student with a wonderful personality. I, myself, have trained her in the defensive arts. But, as she grew up and understood the mere compass of her powers, she wished to fiddle around.

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