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"Guys, we're at Long Beach." Brooke called out and said to their group of four as all of them walked down the ship with their duffel bags hanging on their shoulders.

"This is where you live, isn't it?"

"Yeah." She replied, not actually listening to what the others were talking about or doing. She had lived here almost all her life, or as long back as she could remember. She was familiar to every street in the place, this was her home – the only home she had known – before she found another in the form of SAMS. As she thought about and processes=d all of this, the only image running through her mind was that of her parents.

"Guys, do you think we can take a little break and visit my folks?"

"Are you sure you want to take that risk?" Ayden questioned. He looked really concerned for her and she knew that all three of them would only say or do what was in her best interest.

"Sweetie, I don't wanna be harsh but the truth is, I don't know if it is worth the risk. There are a lot of monsters on our tail and if we stop at one place for a long time, they will find our scent and catch up to us. Even if we put up protective spells all across your house, I am not sure that would stop Morana's minions from harming your folks." Sylvia said cautiously and Brooke's heart dropped to the bottom of the ocean.

She was right. Of course she was. This was the price she had to pay in order to save her twin sister. She couldn't afford getting her foster family in danger. If she found out that something happened to them and that she was the cause of it, Brooke's heart would break beyond relief.

"Yeah, you're right. We'll figure something else later. I cannot see them right now."

"I'm sorry, B. but it is for their safety." Sylvia said and rubbed her hand across Brooke's arm. She gave her a side hug and Brooke accepted it gratefully.

"I know. So, we head to the airport now?"

"Yeah, we could."

"Let's go." Brooke said, putting on a smile and hauling a taxi. All of them got in and Brooke decided to ride shot-gun. She sat there and looked outside the window, taking in every little detail of her home – as much and as long as she could in that ride to the airport – determined on not feeling miserable.

They got down at the airport and after getting the tickets with the money they had brought along, they passed the security and everything. They again sat down in the waiting area, bracing themselves to about four hours of free time because their flight wasn't supposed to take off before 5.00 in the evening. They hadn't had anything to eat and that's why they got lunch first and foremost. After completing lunch, they sat in a circle and talked about what was to come. This was the last stretch of the journey. This was the time they would meet Morana and defeat her. For Brooke, it was doubly important – she was about to meet her twin sister after 18 something years and to say that her nerves were starting to get the best of her, was the understatement of not only the century, but probably the millennia.

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