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Brooke found herself standing in an unknown place. She looked around to find that it looked like a park, but it was all hazy and she could not tell for certain. She tried to make sense of what was happening but she couldn't figure out what was happening, or even why it was going on. Then, she heard her name being called. She turned around to find a now familiar pair of faces.

Her parents – her real parents – stood in front of her with amiable smiles on their faces and their hands inter-twined. She looked at him and took in every little detail of them, almost feeling scared that they would disappear any moment now. She couldn't believe that her parents were standing in front of her. She tried to reach out and touch them but her hands didn't seem to be exactly responding to her.

"Am I dead?" She heard her own voice and she smacked herself on the forehead internally. 'You meet them for the first time and you ask that.' Her sub-conscious scolds her. She wants to reply to her sub-conscious, to defend herself, but before she can, her parents call to her for the second time.

"No, honey, you are not dead. You are simply dreaming."

"But, I don't understand. Where are we?"

"We are at the place we visited for the last time as a family."

"You mean before you went to battle Morana and sacrificed your lives and my sister and I got separated?"

"Yes." Her dad said with a small chuckle. He looked down at her – he was considerably taller than Brooke and her mother – and smiled at her.

"You are exactly like your mother." Brooke blushed a little.


"That's alright, Brooke. You have every right to be mad at us, but it was always for your own well-being and safety."

"I know that now." She said, still hardly meeting their eyes and talking timidly.

"Listen to me, Brooke. Jim was right." That made her look up to her mother properly now. She saw now that she had hardly any similarities with her mother in terms of physical attributes. She looked completely like her father, barring the height, which she got from her mother.

"Jim? The other man in the picture, you mean?"

"Yes. You might not know this but he was with us on the journey to defeating Morana. He was there with us when we gave away our lives. He saw the repercussions of it all. He was the one who broke the news of our death to our people back home."


"He is right. There is no way Morana can be free so early. I know that seventeen years is no little span of time, but we weren't shabby magicians either. There is something much bigger that you are going to face. Something that no magician has faced in almost a few handful of centuries. He is evil. He is ancient. He is dangerous. He is back."

THE MAGICAL ADVENTURES OF A WITCH | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now