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Ayden stood near the entrance of the tunnel after he had finished burying the last immortal head of the hydra into the earth. He could see just how dark the tunnel was and he was worried that he wouldn't be able to find Brooke and there was a very fair chance that he would get lost once he stepped in, but he wasn't going to let Brooke face whatever it was that she was facing down there alone. He had accompanied her as her companion this far and he sure as hell wasn't going to let her battle alone now. With that thought, he jumped.

He lit up a fire in his palm and walked ahead. The light from the fire helped him see at least five feet in the distance and so, he immediately stopped in his tracks once he saw a huge pit fall. The tunnel must have been really, really old and there was this huge, probably 20 feet drop at the middle of the way ahead. He examined the fall. There was no way Brooke would have jumped down. It was completely dark and there was no way of knowing where it led. So, he deduced that Brooke wouldn't go there.

He took aid of a little bit of wind magic and flying himself about three feet above from the solid ground, flew to the other end of the tunnel fall and landed on his feet there. Again using the fire on his palms, he continued walking. Ayden considered calling to her because it was so eerily quiet, but he figured that that wouldn't be too advisable if she was in battle. He could use the element of surprise in case she needed help and there was also the possibility of her getting distracted from his voice and getting hit.

So, he headed ahead without another thought. After a few minutes of walking ahead without a stop, he felt an odd sensation running down his spine and turned around. He saw nobody, but he couldn't shake off the feeling. He peered closer, squinting his eyes. Still nothing. But, when he turned around, he saw it. He didn't know if it was a man or a woman, a magician or a demon, hell, he didn't even know if it was human. In front of her was plain swirling darkness and even though Ayden was standing at least five feet away from it, he knew it was completely evil. Then, came the voice.

"Come to save the blondie now, have you?" It mused. Ayden couldn't speak. He didn't know if he should. "Well, you're quite the brave man here." It continued. "Do you even know what you have got yourself into?"

"What do you want?" Ayden shouted.

"Well, you of course! You are one of the strongest magicians of this generation and having you stand along-side me, will be great for both of us. I, for one, will be very happy and generous towards you if you join me to defeat the blonde girl. I do not like her. She is a complete nuisance in my plans. So, if you accompany me instead of her, you will be getting everything you have ever wanted."

Ayden frowned and pulled his eye brows together. This was starting to sound really tempting. Ayden knew that he was being manipulated and the voice was laced with magic to lure him in, and he also knew that this was a trap that he was falling into, but somehow he couldn't quite place that fact in his mind and act on it. He just stood there, rock still.

"Oh, yes." The voice sounded as it was smiling. "I know you, Ayden Patterson. I know what your heart longs for, but I also know your worst fears and your deadliest nightmares. I can provide you with everything. Everything." The voice echoed as the swirls of darkness disappeared and melted into different scenes, right in front of Ayden's eyes. It showed what Ayden had always longed for. It was something that he deeply wanted but still felt guilty for wanting it. Fame, recognition, acknowledgement. He wanted to become something – someone whose name rang a bell to every person in their world, someone great.

The scene shifted. He saw what he had always feared, which was exactly the flip side of it all. Being a nobody – his worst nightmare. Dying without causing even the slightest change in the world, dying without ever being a small inspiration to anybody at all, dying away without leaving without traces of himself in other people's memories, without living on in their hearts by the love they carry towards him. It was his fatal flaw. Ayden knew that. The images in front of him changed yet again. He saw the things he would get if he joined forces with the evil voice.

He took a step forward and out rang the voice again.

"Yes. Let's work together. We'll rule the world and both of us will get everything we have ever wanted." He said, and Ayden took another step forward. He out-stretched his hand to reach out to something – he didn't know what – but before he could do so, the air was split into two with a gut-wrenching scream. He knew that. That was Brooke screaming, and for some reason, he was completely sure of that fact. He blinked. He looked around. He was mere inches away from another fall in the tunnel and if he had moved one finger forward, he was positive he would have plummeted to his death.

He could place the fact that he was about to barter his soul to the devil for something so materialistic and so dangerous, and he was willing to kill his friend for that. In that moment, he felt horrible. He felt disappointed in himself and he felt disgruntled towards the voice for making him feel that way. But then, the next minute, a new emotion over-powered every other emotion that he had been feeling and took over every other thought that had been swirling around in his head like the darkness in front of him – anger. He decided to use that anger as his tool. He turned around and started running towards the entrance of the tunnel.

He wasn't going to let anyone or anything hurt his friends, and it was completely out of question hen it came to Brooke.






~Tii <3

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