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We already left the palace and now we are heading to the city's center, where the militar basement is placed. Everyone is bowing as we pass by... I wonder how does it feel having that much power.

-Jin: We are here (gets down the horse)
-Junkyu: (gets down too) Could you please tie them somewhere until we finish, please? (smiles and asks a citizen)
-Citizen: I-It'll be a pleasure...

I follow Jin inside the building, this brings me some memories from my childhood. My father was the capital's military head, and my brother and I were going to follow his steps.

However, instead of becoming a military head like my brothers did, I became the prince's bodyguard which is even higher than the other position.

It's been already six months since each of my brother took a different path. Seokwoo, the younger one, became the carnivorous' territory, military head.

Meanwhile, Namkyu, the middle kid, became the herbivorous' territory one. Actually I don't know how have they been since the day they left... I should at least, had written them.

-Jin: (opens the door) Good afternoon gentlemen... (smiles)
-Both: Your highness (spot you)
-Jin: (smirks) Kyu...
-Junkyu: Hey there, how have you been, you brats? (smiles)
-Seokwoo: Hyung! (runs towards you and hugs you) I didn't know that you would be coming today... Its been so long, right? (smiles)
-Junkyu: I started working today, so I didn't know about this meeting neither (chuckles) Namkyu...
-Namkyu: Hyung...
-Junkyu: (extends your hand for a handshake) You are still as cold as always, huh?
-Namkyu: This is a serious meeting...
-Jin: Well, let's get started then (smiles) This meeting is hold annually, in order to be informed by the military heads about the situation at the different territories... I'll then write an inform and pass it to my father.
-Both: Yeah, sir...
-Jin: So, let's start with the herbivorous territory... Any incident? Something new?
-Namkyu: Not really, pretty calmed... Just a few incidents during the mating season... Some carnivorous crossed the frontier without identification. (glares at Seokwoo)
-Seokwoo: (gulps) I-I can explain...
-Jin: Yeah, give us the reason... You know how dangerous are those kind of mistakes.
-Seokwoo: The military academy keeps on sending the rookies to my territory... They are young and with no experience, its really easy to trick them with false identifications. I propose for the academy to be much more strict...
-Jin: Hmmm... That could be a great improvement (writing it down) However, you need to improve too, you are in charge of those soldiers, if they commit a mistake, is your mistake too, understood?
-Seokwoo: Yes, sir... I'm sorry, it won't happen again (looks down)
-Jin: Kyu, what do you think about it?
-Junkyu: I think that the problem is that all the nobles are taught how to use their spirit soul...
-Jin: So?
-Junkyu: So it's obviously our mistake, we shouldn't teach them. It should be something just for the soldiers... The citizens outside the cities, they are too poor to be taught. So they never cause this kind of incident... We can do the same with the nobles.
-Namkyu: That's a great way of solving the problem, but they won't allow it... They could reveal against the king.
-Junkyu: So? Is our majesty afraid of facing those gold diggers? Who made them nobles? Huh? Who was the one who decided which one is the rich and which one is the poor? The right should be equal...
-Jin: Kyu... Are you saying that the social classes are useless?
-Junkyu: Hmm... Just the noble class is useless.
-Seokwoo: Hyung, we are nobles...
-Junkyu: So? If we were not soldiers, we would be useless... What's the point of existing? We just keep the money at the big cities and waste it on useless staff... Has any of you ever thought about how the people at the countryside lives?
-Seokwoo: Actually... You are right.
-Namkyu: We can't do such thing, we've been living with this social system since the beginning...
-Junkyu: That's another reason to change it! We are growing, we need to look forward to the future...
-Jin: Okay Kyu, that's enough, I just wanted to know what do you think about it... It turned out into something serious, and as your friend, I'm gonna tell you something. Forget about the idea of eliminating the nobles or stealing them the right to use their spirit soul... My father would never agree.
-Junkyu: Yes, sir (looks down)

They are not ready. They can't improve as a society with that kind of thoughts. They are living still at the past... However, although I tried expressing my thoughts, I haven't been heard. I'll need some more power.

The meeting keeps on going with me without interrupting the three of them. Suddenly, Jin gets up and glances at me signaling that we are done.

It's been a long meeting, they took their time to decide something that won't work out. So, in conclusion, this has been a waste of time.

Those with a carnivorous spirit soul who want to create a mess, will be able to do it because we are taking this problem seriously. More vigilance, that's the conclusion they came with?

That's absurd. They'll just send younger soldiers with even less experience that will be even worse than the ones that we have right now.

Well, I'm no one to complain about it... I don't have any kind of influence on the decisions taken. I should just follow Jin for the moment.

-Jin: (yawns) That was a pretty long meeting, right?
-Junkyu: Yeah...
-Jin: Hmm... Is there something wrong?
-Junkyu: No, everything's fine.
-Jin: About what happened at the meeting, don't worry. I won't tell my father (smiles) It'll be our little secret.
-Junkyu: Ah yeah, thanks Jin.

It is not as if I were really scared about your father. I didn't lie about the country's situation, and I'm not ashamed of talking about my real thoughts. Actually, it shouldn't be treated as a secret... Its just the truth.

SPIRIT SOUL: IDYLLIC Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant