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-Time skip a week later-

I'm waiting for Sana to get out of her room, it's really late. Everything is dark and she could fall and get injured if I don't help her. Everyone knows how clumsy can the little princess be.

-Sana: (jumps to your arms)
-Junkyu: Do you have everything you'll need?
-Sana: (nods)
-Junkyu: Do you have money enough?
-Sana: I think that I have for at least three months... (smiles)
-Junkyu: (nods) If you ever ran out of money, write me... (smiles) I'll send some for you, okay?
-Sana: You don't need to-
-Junkyu: Please, don't complain (smiles) Once we finish with this, we'll have the kind of lifestyle that we want, think of that.
-Sana: I'm afraid of never seeing you again... (looks down)
-Junkyu: Don't worry, you are heading to a place where I can visit you whenever I want...
-Sana: Where am I going to? (confused)
-Junkyu: Telling you would ruin the surprise (chuckles) Do you trust me?
-Sana: You know I do... (smiles) You are the only one who treats me like the woman I am.
-Junkyu: Then you don't need to worry, let's go (smiles and drags her to the exit of the palace)

This is really difficult, she'll need to climb the back wall on order to be free... The problem is that there are two guards there. I'll need to end with them before...

-Junkyu: Sana, wait here and please cover you eyes for a moment (smiles)
-Sana: What, why-
-Junkyu: (transforms into a wolf and attacks the guards) Don't look at me in this form...
-Sana: J-Junkyu you just...
-Junkyu: (transforms back to your human form) I'm sorry, but there'll be more sacrifices in a future... However, I'll try not to use violence. This was necessary. Now let's keep on going, there's no time to waste...

We keep on going and once we arrive to the entrance, we bump with Namjoon and... Jin. Actually, Namjoon hyung is the one supposed to accompany Sana during the trip. But, what is Jin doing here?

-Sana: Oppa...
-Jin: Hmmm, so I was right after all (chuckles) I knew that you two had something... Since the first day you both look at each other as if you were each other's world. That's beautiful.
-Junkyu: Jin, I didn't know that you would be here... I didn't know that you knew about-
-Jin: Namjoon tells me everything (smirks) Don't worry, just as my secret is safe with you, your secret is safe with us (smiles) Now, little sis, is time for you to explore a new world...
-Sana: (nods and smiles) I have waited for this moment for too much... What if it is not as I imagine it is?
-Junkyu: You'll be fine, you are really bright (smiles) With your light, you'll find your own path in this dark world (chuckles)
-Jin: Omo, look at the both of them getting romantic... (laughs) My boyfriend is leaving too and I'm not being dramatic...
-Namjoon: (hugs Jin) I'll miss you...
-Jin: (starts tearing) Well, maybe I'm a little bit dramatic too... (hugs him back)
-Sana: Junkyu... I would like you to come with me...
-Junkyu: I would like too, but everyone would suspect that we are together or that I kidnapped you (chuckles) I must stay here with Jin and act as if I didn't know... Also, I'll help to keep the guards far away from you (smiles) I'll protect you no matter what.
-Sana: (hugs you) I'll miss this scent...
-Junkyu: (gives her your bracelet) This was a gift that Jin made me, but now that it is impregnated with my scent... You can bring it with you. That way, I'll have your bracelet, and you'll have mine, we'll be connected (smiles)
-Sana: (starts tearing while nodding) This hurts... I imagined my day leaving this place like the happiest of my life...
-Junkyu: That's what love is (smiles and srughs) Remember that love was born from a bad butterfly and a good one, mixed they are perfect. But there must be both kind of moments... Now it's time for a bad moment, but I promise that in a future, once we meet again, we'll only have good moments (kisses her hand) I promise you (smiles)
-Sana: (blushes) Y-You just...
-Junkyu: Until we meet again (smiles)
-Sana: (gets inside the carriage) Until we meet again (smiles but still crying)

Then, Namjoon started guiding the horses while the carriages started to disappear from our sight. There she goes, the only person ever to be able to confirm my theory of real love.

-Jin: (sighs) Are you sure of this? Now that we started it, we'll need to finish it too...
-Junkyu: We have no option...
-Jin: Okay, I trust you (smiles) By the way, you just kissed my sister's hand without asking for permission... How can you be this daring?! (jokes)
-Junkyu: (embarrassed) W-What happens?! It's the furthest I have ever gone, so don't worry... I didn't place a single finger on her...
-Jin: (laughs) I'm just joking, it's too obvious that you both are in love... Its normal to show some affection to your beloved one (smiles)
-Junkyu: I guess...
-Jin: By the way, are you sure that they'll be safe where they are heading to?
-Junkyu: (nods) I got them fake identities... And once they reach the herbivorous territory, they'll be welcomed by my younger brother. He's by our side too (smiles)
-Jin: Really? Which one of your brothers?
-Junkyu: Seokwoo. Namkyu is way too strict, he would never betray my father... At least, not for the moment.
-Jin: And how are you sure about Seokwoo-ya being by our side? (gulps) He's a military head...
-Junkyu: He's also in love with someone, and as you may have imagined, it's a secret (chuckles) I told Sana that it was not just us... The world is filled with people like us... We just need some encouragement to raise against those oppressing us.
-Jin: I see... Somehow, knowing that there's people like us makes me feel much more powerful (smiles)
-Junkyu: And this is just the start Jin, we'll free this world so we can have any kind of lifestyle we want with whoever we want (smiles) Let's return to our rooms.
-Jin: (nods) Tomorrow's morning, palace will be a complete chaos...

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