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Sana kept on coming to my room everyday during the last month. Right now, I would dare to say that we've become friends. And that must keep as a secret.

-Sana: So... What about that favourite book of yours?
-Junkyu: What about it? (smiles)
-Sana: You were looking for it at the library... Did you find it? (smiles)
-Junkyu: I didn't, I was in a hurry so I didn't have time enough... (chuckles)
-Sana: What's the name of the book?
-Junkyu: It is called "The uncompleted butterfly" (smiles) Have you read it?
-Sana: I did! (excited) But that was too long ago... I don't really remember what was it about.
-Junkyu: It talks about the white and the black butterfly... (smiles) One represents everything what's good and the other one just the opposite. We could say that it is something similar to yin-yang.
-Sana: That's right (smiles) Also, it has a really beautiful romance story behind it... Right?
-Junkyu: (nods) Both butterflies are uncompleted because they only have one kind of quality... One is totally good while the other is totally bad. However, when they meet, they become an only grey butterfly, which with some time... Becomes a really colourful one (smiles)
-Sana: It sounds beautiful... (chuckles) They are uncompleted until they find each other...
-Junkyu: Yeah, because when they find each other, everything good and bad gets mixed... And thanks to those feelings mixed, love is born (smiles)
-Sana: That's the reason why love can make you feel like flying or can make you feel like your heart has been broken...
-Junkyu: Yup (smiles) But that's just a simple story who someone invented to give some kind of origin to what everyone is looking for... That's supposed to be the love's origin. Still, people is still wondering what's love... The real one. Not the forced one.
-Sana: What do you think about it? Do you think that real love exists?
-Junkyu: Hmm... I don't know (smiles) I have never met someone to make me feel like I found it... Guess I'm still a black butterfly wandering around... (chuckles)
-Sana: (giggles) I'm like you too... Always locked inside this place, I don't know what real love is. Lately, marriages are arranged by the families' head. It's forced...
-Junkyu: Yeah, plus... People feel pressure because they want to feel like they are loved. That's another kind of forced love, because instead of keeping looking for your real one, you think that you have enough with the first one that shows you a little bit of affection.
-Sana: (smiles while looking at you) Are you sure that you don't know what love is? You seem to know about it...
-Junkyu: I really don't know (chuckles) But I have travelled and read a lot, that's when I got this knowledge...
-Sana: Is there something else that you know about love? (smiles)
-Junkyu: Hmmm... Just that it doesn't matter the age, the social status or trivial stuff like that one... (smiles) You can find love at the age of 50, with someone from another country, and maybe although you are poor... You can fall for a-
-Sana: For a princess?! (excited)
-Junkyu: Exactly, a princess (smiles while looking straight to her eyes)
-Sana: (smiles while looking into your eyes) That sounds beautiful.
-Junkyu: It does... (smiles) H-However, the society wouldn't allow it, that's why most of the people has a forced love.
-Sana: Ugh, that sucks... If I could, I would change this society! (smiles) I would allow everyone to be happy with whoever they wanted, they would be able to find their real love!
-Junkyu: (chuckles) That's really difficult... Your brother is the heir for the throne.
-Sana: I know... (looks down) Ah, at this rate, I'll end up being married with any king or prince for another kingdom... That's sad.
-Junkyu:... (sighs) That would really suck. You deserve better.
-Sana: (smiles) Junkyu-ssi, you are really kind.
-Junkyu: I am not... (chuckles) I just have a similar way of thinking...
-Sana: The truth is that we have a lot in common (chuckles)
-Junkyu: That's right (smiles)
-Sana: Maybe that's the reason why we get along that good... (giggles)
-Junkyu: Maybe... (smiles widely and checks the time) Sana...
-Sana: I know, I should be returning to my room (sighs) When I'm with you, time flies... I hate that. I wished I could stop the time right now.
-Junkyu: I wished we could too (chuckles and jumps out of the window) C'mon, I'll get you (smiles)
-Sana: You always do (smiles and jumps to your arms)

We start walking towards Sana's room when suddenly, we hear some noises coming from Jin's room. Although he told me not to mind about those noises, this time is weird... The voice doesn't belong to him.

-Sana: Why did you stop walking?
-Junkyu: I think that your brother is with a man... (gets closer to the window)
-Sana: What are you doing?
-Junkyu: I'm just making sure that he's not in danger... I'm his bodyguard.
-Sana: But... (peeps through the window with you) What- (covers her face embarrassed)
-Junkyu: (gets away from the window) Oh god...
-Sana: W-Why is my brother having sex with a man?!
-Junkyu: (sighs and calms) I suspected this since the beginning... I'm sure that this (points to the bracelet) Was supposed to be for that boy...
-Sana: Wait, the one who gave you the bracelet was my brother?!
-Junkyu: (nods)
-Sana: What a relief (smiles)
-Junkyu: (questioning look)
-Sana: Nothing, nothing (smiles awkwardly) What are we going to do now? That's forbidden...
-Junkyu: I know, but we can't tell anyone, it must keep as a secret.
-Sana: Why?
-Junkyu: As a real love defender, I can't reveal it to anyone... The king could get really angry and kill the boy with him. Jin could be exiled too... (sighs) We need to protect them...
-Sana: (smiles) I agree. We'll keep it secret... (starts climbing to her room) I'll see you tomorrow?
-Junkyu: I don't know... I think that I have an expedition with Jin to the carnivorous territory... I think that we'll spend there some days...
-Sana: Aww... (looks down) I understand. Have fun there (smiles weakly)
-Junkyu: Hmmm, Sana!
-Sana: Yeah?
-Junkyu: Have sweet dreams (smiles)
-Sana: You too (smiles sweetly)

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