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-Time skip to the next day-

Well, what am I going to do while Junkyu is not around? Maybe I should try to find that book. The uncompleted butterfly... He really likes it, I should give it to him as a gift.

-Sana: We are leaving...
-Geubeom: Where?! Your highness, you know that your father doesn't want you to leave palace. I can't allow-
-Sana: I didn't say that we would leave palace... (sighs) I want to spend some time reading, can we go to the library? (smiles)
-Geubeom: Oh, y-yeah (bows)
-Sana: Fine, let's get going then.

We head to the library, and while Geubeom takes a seat, I start looking around the huge shelves in order to find the book. This kinda reminds me to the first time that Junkyu and I met.

He was looking for his favourite book while I was trying to free my mind too. He placed his hand on me really kindly, I wonder... Is that how he caressed each book he touched?

Oh my god, it would be weird to say that I would like to be his favourite book? I would have him holding me with those big yet gentle hands, that sweet smile and those piercing eyes...

Too good to be true. That's how I would describe if something like that ever happened. I'm a princess, and he's a bodyguard, there's no way we could try something...

Suddenly, I hit myself by accident with a shelf and from it, it falls a book. I approach it, and for my surprise, it's the book that I was looking for.

-Sana: I found it (smiles and holds it tight between her arms)

Junkyu is far away right now, but I feel like while I'm holding this book, we are close, really close. Those talks before going to sleep, he surely knows how to make my mind leave this place.

I hope one day I'm able to leave it physically too. And who knows, maybe if that day ever comes, I'll be able to follow him to those places he has been... That would perfect, that would be... Real love.


So we are finally here... The place where we are staying is really luxury. I mean, its for none other than the prince.

-Junkyu: It looks like a beautiful place (smiles)
-Jin: Yeah, the carnivorous territory is very pretty, but look at this building... All for ourselves (chuckles) The way until here has been quite long, is there something you want in exchange?
-Junkyu: Can I leave by myself for a while? (smiles)
-Jin: Sure, I'll be resting here... Just make sure to come back in an hour, okay? (smiles)
-Junkyu: (nods)
-Jin: Are you going to visit your brother?
-Junkyu: No, not really (smiles) I'm just gonna take some fresh air to... Free my mind.
-Jin: I see (smiles) Okay, have fun.

I leave the place where we are staying and start heading to the city's square. It's getting a little bit late, but still this place is beautiful.

Jin said that it would be a great place to have a date... I wonder, how is it a date? It's just having fun with the person you love... The person you love, huh?

It's funny, everyone spends their whole life trying to find happiness by searching for love, becoming someone successful, or trying to impress someone.

However, I think that the real happiness is when you learn that real love, is loving yourself. Just the way you are, not minding the power you have or the social status you belong to.

When will everyone understand that? You can't be happy without accepting yourself... I think that-

-???: (bumps against you) I'm sorry... (bows)
-Junkyu: It's okay... (smiles) Who are you? That kind of clothes are-
-???: (on her knees, pulls your clothes while begging) Please, don't tell anyone... Please, I agreed to meet with someone here. Do you know how difficult was to enter this city?!
-Junkyu: What's your name?
-???: Please, don't report me!
-Junkyu: I'm just asking for your name... (smiles)
-???: You promise that you won't tell anyone?
-Junkyu: I promise (smiles)
-???: My name... My name is-
-Seokwoo: Momo! (pushes you away and takes out the sword against you) Don't dare to move, not even a single muscle... I won't hesitate to slit your throat, loser!
-Junkyu: (smirks) Hey, you should show some respect for your seniors...
-Seokwoo: I'm the one in charge of this territory and I'll-
-Junkyu: (raises your head) Idiot, I'm your brother... Put down that sword (chuckles)
-Seokwoo: (realises) H-Hyung?! What are you doing here?! I mean... Yeah, you should be with the prince, right?
-Junkyu: I'm having some free time while he's resting... (smiles) I wasn't planning to meet you until tomorrow, but fate had another plan... (srughs and looks at the girl)
-Seokwoo: (hides her behind him) I can explain it...
-Junkyu: You don't need to, I was just asking for her name... I don't have any kind of authority here, so I wasn't going to get involved (smiles and looks at the girl) My name is Hye Junkyu, I'm this idiot's older brother...
-???: (shy) Momo... Hirai Momo.
-Seokwoo: Well, so what happened then?
-Momo: I bumped against him by mistake... (smiles)
-Junkyu: Nah, it was actually my fault... I was immersed in my own thoughts so I wasn't looking where I was walking (smiles and bows) However, this made me meet you, so it was a fortune event.
-Momo: (slightly blushes) I guess...
-Seokwoo: (pissed) Don't act like that with a stranger! You are the older here, show some dignity...
-Junkyu: Hey relax, I'm being polite, if you are trying to impress her, find a better way to do it... (smiles and starts walking away)

This is interesting... So our Seokwoo-ya is interested in Momo. A girl who comes from the poorest part, where the citizens live.

What is he going to do? Will he ignore the fact that they belong to different social status? Personally, I would like him to fight for her, maybe it would help this society to change.

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