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-Momo: And this is your room! (smiles) Miyeon can stay at the room next to this one, just in case she needs something, is that okay?
-Miyeon: Yes! (excited) Can I decorate it with flowers? There's a lot of pretty flowers at the garden (smiles while looking through the window)
-Momo: You'll need to ask Seokwoo for that (smiles)
-Miyeon: Okay, I'll look for him and Namjoon oppa then! (leaves)
-Sana: (smiles) I'm glad she's happy... We don't know how many time are we going to stay here.
-Momo: It depends on how much your boyfriend takes to end with the king and all the corruption (srughs)
-Sana: He's not my boyfriend, at least... Not yet (smiles shyly)
-Momo: Ah, I feel you... This kid, we are obviously into each other, but he never dares to take the next step (sighs and takes a seat) Is it okay if I stay here chatting? Or should I leave you to unpack and so...
-Sana: No, it's okay (smiles) It's the first time I get to talk with a girl of my age freely.
-Momo: (chuckles) Cool... So, what about you?
-Sana: What happens?
-Momo: How did you meet? How far have you gone together? I'm curious (chuckles)
-Sana: We met at palace, at the library (smiles) We both were looking for a book when our hands touched... I guess that our chemistry exploded at the moment.
-Momo: Hmm, too cliche (laughs)
-Sana: I wonder, how did you meet then? You and Seonkwoo...
-Momo: At the forest (smiles) It was... Intense...
-Sana: (gasps) What did you do the first time you met?!
-Momo: It's not what you are thinking off, we didn't even kiss properly yet... (embarrassed)
-Sana: Kiss properly? (curious)
-Momo: Yeah, you know... With tongue, making out (smirks) You didn't reach that neither?
-Sana: Of course not! (blushed) We just hugged... I love being hold in his arms... My back against his chest (smiles)
-Momo: You are too innocent (chuckles) Don't you want to go... A little bit further? What will happen when you get the heat? And when he gets the rut? You should at least start going out before that happens...
-Sana: (sighs) That's something delicated... The rut and the heat... Normally, when I had the heat, I stayed locked in my room.
-Momo: Lucky you, I had to prevent getting raped by anyone at the forest...
-Sana: Is it related to how did you meet? (smirks)
-Momo: Hmm... Not really (chuckles)
-Sana: (laughs)Oh, I thought it was like that how you met ...
-Momo: Anyway, at least I have pecked his lips... You should try it. Just do it casually next time you see him...
-Sana: (touches her lips with her finger) Peck his lips, huh... (smiles) It sounds good... But I don't know when will I see him again.
-Momo: It's okay (smiles and caress her arm) He'll visit you soon. Meanwhile, I'll keep you accompanied... (chuckles) Seokwoo is all the day at the city, so we barely see each other neither...
-Sana: I see... I'm curious, why are you living together?
-Momo: He saved me... And I belong to a poor family. I'm hiding here because you know that a noble and someone poor can't be together...
-Sana: Yeah, that's sad... Its the same for Junkyu and me. He's a novel, but I belong to the royal family (sighs) The society sucks.
-Momo: But they are fighting to change that, we could say that they are fighting for love (giggles) That makes me happy, it helps me to remain positive about all of this...
-Sana: I should think that way too (smiles)
-Momo: (chuckles) I have the gut feeling that we'll become really great friends...
-Sana: Me too (smiles)
-Momo: (chuckles)

-Time skip three days later-

-Geubeom: I can't belive what we are doing, we are really planning to attempt against the king... My dad would be really mad at me if he knew.
-Junkyu: You own it to me, I forgave your life.
-Geubeom: Yeah, but because of you, now I'm in this crazy plan... (sighs) I just wanted some honour for my family.
-Jin: You will get much more if you collaborate with us. At the end, the future real king its me, so there's no need to be afraid. You are serving me, that's the honour you are looking for.
-Geubeom: You are right, your highness (bows)
-Junkyu: How much will it takes us to reach the herbivorous territory?
-Geubeom: Probably just two more hours...
-Jin: We'll be staying in a vacation house so no one bothers us there...
-Junkyu: Yeah, it's sounds great. Geubeom, you'll need to find a house and everything you'll need to start living here...
-Geubeom: You are seriously going to leave me here?
-Junkyu: Do you want to return to the capital where they are looking for you? If you return, you won't last more than 24 hours... Its up to you, you decide.
-Geubeom: I'll stay here, of course! What's better than the herbivorous territory when you are about to have the rut? (laughs awkwardly)
-Junkyu: You are with your rut?
-Geubeom: Not yet, but soon...
-Jin: (sighs) Maybe we should wait until he goes through it... If we send him to a mission while he has it, he could get distracted once he sees someone he likes and well... You know what follows (smirks)
-Junkyu: Yeah, yeah, I know... (smiles shyly)
-Junkyu: What? What's with this silence?! (embarrassed)
-Geubeom: Nothing... (smirks) Just, who do you think about when we mention the rut and heat?
-Junkyu: Huh?!
-Jin: It is quite obvious... (smirks) What happens Junkyu? Is your imagination going wild?
-Junkyu: It is not! I'm not thinking about Sana! I would never have that kind of intentions with her! (all blushed)
-Geubeom: We didn't mention her (chuckles)
-Jin: (laughing) You exposed yourself...
-Junkyu: Ugh! (turns around) Sometimes I hate you both... Leave me alone for a while, will you?
-Jin: Sure... But just so you know, feeling attracted to someone during the rut it's okay (smiles) All of us need to go through that, it's our spirit soul's fault. We don't decide.
-Geubeom: Your highness, are you in love with someone too?
-Jin: Uh... That's none of your business (embarrassed)
-Junkyu: (rolls your eyes) I hope to arrive already...

SPIRIT SOUL: IDYLLIC Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon