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-Namjoon: What are you saying? Do you want to create a revolution against the king?
-Junkyu: More less... (chuckles) This country deserves much better... I've been travelling around after the military academy, I've seen how other people live... We can be much better. Love can be however you want it to be, whoever you want!
-Namjoon: (amazed)
-Junkyu: It won't be a war... But slowly, we'll convince people (smiles) And then, once we realise that we are all the same, we'll talk and the king won't have any other option but to leave his position.
-Namjoon: And who's gonna be the heir, then?
-Junkyu: Of course, Jin (smiles) Who's better than him? He's going out with a man, it's a revolution itself! The first step into the future...
-Namjoon: If I ever joined you, what would I need to do?
-Junkyu: (smiles) Just be safe for the moment, and keep on loving Jin. You need to be positive about this... You need to completely convince him, okay?
-Namjoon: I-I'll try... (smiles and looks down) You are amazing...
-Junkyu: Why?
-Namjoon: You would be a great king (smiles) You have the power to lead everyone and you also know to choose what's better for the rest instead of you...
-Junkyu: (shy) Thank you, I guess...
-Namjoon: Well, if you excuse me, I need to leave... I have some chores to do... (smiles)
-Junkyu: (nods) It was fun talking with you, hyung! (smiles)
-Namjoon: Yeah... By the way, she's... She's crazy for you too (chuckles)
-Junkyu: (confused)
-Namjoon: It's great to help and focus on other people... But don't forget that you also need time for yourself, okay?
-Junkyu: I won't, thanks for the advice (smiles)
-Namjoon: It was nothing (smiles and leaves)

Oh, the sun is already leaving, I should return to my room and have dinner. Probably Sana will come later, its been a week since we last had one of our talks. I missed that.

-Time skip until you finished having dinner-

-Junkyu: Do you need some help to climb? (chuckles and extends your hand)
-Sana: (smiles and takes your hand) Thank you, I thought that I was used to enter by the window, but I'm still struggling (chuckles)
-Junkyu: I must had been hard climbing while carrying that (points to Sana's bag)
-Sana: Oh, well... I had to bring it with me (smiles) It's something that I want to give you...
-Junkyu: To me?! (surprised) But you already gave me the bracelet when I left...
-Sana: Yeah well, I had my reasons... (shy)
-Junkyu: May I ask about those reasons? (smiles)
-Sana: You didn't notice it?!
-Junkyu: Notice... What?
-Sana: The bracelet had my scent! (pouts) I thought that maybe that way you wouldn't miss me...
-Junkyu: I've been out just for a week (chuckles)
-Sana: Still, I thought that... Agh, I guess that it was worthless-
-Junkyu: I noticed your scent, I fell asleep while holding it tight... (smiles) Don't say that it was worthless, I loved the gift. Plus, I missed our talks like this... I really did.
-Sana: (looks straight to your eyes) I missed you.
-Junkyu: I missed you too (smiles) That's why I bought something for you too... (hands her your bag)
-Sana: What? (surprised) You bought me something?
-Junkyu: Of course (smiles)
-Sana: (overjoyed) Thank you! Thank you! I'm so happy (jumps to your arms and hugs you) I'm really really happy! Junkyu!
-Junkyu: I'm glad you are happy, but you need to low your voice or else we'll be caught... (chuckles)
-Sana: That's true, I'm sorry (smiles and realizes that she's on top of you) I-Uh...
-Junkyu: (smiles and sits better staying at inches from her face) Sana, you are really bright, you know?
-Sana: (blushes) What's that for? So suddenly?
-Junkyu: It's just that I've travelled a lot, and I've never seen any star shining as much as you do... (smiles) It's a pity that someone like you is locked inside this place (puts a string of hair behind her ear) You deserve better.
-Sana: (smiles) Thank you, but I can't do anything about it... You know that I can't face my father, I already tried (looks down)
-Junkyu: (makes her look at you) You shouldn't give up that easily... (smiles) Sana... There's people willing to change this country, people like us.
-Sana: What are you saying? (chuckles) Just with my brother won't be enough...
-Junkyu: I'm not talking about your brother, I'm talking about those who really want their real love... Those whose aim is an equal treatment for everyone no matter the status or the genre... Don't you want something like that too? (smiles)
-Sana: I do want, but how are we going to do it? (confused)
-Junkyu: Escape... Run away from this place and don't look back (smiles)
-Sana: What?!
-Junkyu: I can help you to escape... I can plan something so someone accompanies you to a safe place, be free. Its time to free something else apart of your mind. Sana, I want you to find that real love (smiles)
-Sana: How will I do that if you are here?! (tearing) You are asking me to leave you!
-Junkyu: Sana... (hugs her again) I'll be happy if you are happy... Please, leave this place. If we ever win and make it to change this society, I'll look for you.
-Sana: And if not? (crying)
-Junkyu: If that happens, then I'll keep on looking for you in my next life... (smiles)
-Sana: Junkyu... You are my real love, you know? (serious looking straight into your eyes)
-Junkyu: You are mine too, Sana. I have never met someone like you...
-Sana: I won't accept to do this unless you promise me that you'll surely come for me later.
-Junkyu: I'll do it, you don't need to worry (smiles) For the moment, let me arrange everything so you can escape.
-Sana: (nods) Can we... Can we enjoy our time until I leave at least?
-Junkyu: What do you want to do?
-Sana: I want to remain every night just how we are right now (smiles) Me being hold by you, with your sweet smile and those piercing eyes looking straight to me.
-Junkyu: (chuckles) Wish granted, my lady.

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