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I woke up soon this morning and headed to the city's market. Jin said that he wants to buy a little gift for someone. I wonder who's that special one who conquered the prince's heart.

-Junkyu: Jin, what are we looking for exactly?
-Jin: I'm looking for something like a bracelet or something like that... (smiles while looking around) Why, is there something that you want?
-Junkyu: No, no... I can afford paying for anything I want, but right now I don't need anything...
-Jin: I see... However, you should spoil yourself from time to time... (chuckles)
-Junkyu: I wouldn't be able to do such thing knowing that people is dying outside the cities.
-Jin: (glares at you) Again with that, Kyu? I told you that you should forget about those stupid thoughts... Look, you were born rich, you didn't choose it. Neither those who are poor. Why should we feel guilty for other's people destiny? It's not as if it was our fault...
-Junkyu: I respect your opinion, but I'm totally against that kind of thoughts.
-Jin: Are you going against the royal family? (raises an eyebrow)
-Junkyu: No, I'm just expressing my opinion freely because you said to talk to you as a friend (smiles)
-Jin: Hmm... Fine. But don't abuse neither, I get tired of hearing you saying those stuff... (sighs)
-Junkyu: I'll remain quiet next time, I'm sorry (bows)
-Jin: No, it's okay. I don't want you to remain quiet, just... Talk about something else. For example... Do you like someone? (smirks)
-Junkyu: No... At least not for the moment (smiles)
-Jin: Hmmm, that's weird. You are on age of getting married...
-Junkyu: I'm still young though...
-Jin: Well, maybe not getting married, but you should at least have some kind of... Lover (smiles)
-Junkyu: Lover?
-Jin: Someone who makes your heart beat fast, somehow who you feel that special connection with... I don't know, its somehow who makes you wish you could be together all the time (smiles)
-Junkyu: Are you in love, Jin? Judging by your words, it looks like there's someone for you...
-Jin: No, no,... I just read that in an old book, I think (clears his throat) Oh, this bracelet looks perfect...

I take a look at the bracelet hold by the prince... It is blue, and judging by the model, its clear that it is designed for men. Why would he buy something for a boy?

I actually expected him to buy something for one of those concubines that he mentioned. But he's buying something for a boy instead...

Who is it that boy, though? Maybe the one that I spotted yesterday? Could he be the future owner of this bracelet? And if that's the case, what kind of relationship do they have?

-Junkyu: Is that bracelet for you, Jin?
-Jin: Hmm... No, it is not.
-Junkyu: Then, are you planning to give it to a man?
-Jin: (almost choking) What makes you think so?
-Junkyu: This bracelet is designed for men...
-Jin: You are right...
-Junkyu: Could it be that-
-Jin: It's a gift for you! (panicking)
-Junkyu: F-For me?! (confused)
-Jin: Yeah... As a w-welcome (chuckles) I hope this improves our relationship...
-Junkyu: Ah, yeah... (smiles and bows) Thanks, Jin.
-Jin: It looks great on you anyway...
-Junkyu: Thanks, really (smiles)

Weird. That was really really weird. Why would he buy me something, when I clearly said that I don't need anything before?

It was a weird reaction. But now I know that Jin gets tensed when I mention men... That only means one thing, he's hiding something.

-Time skip until night-

-Sana: Junkyu-ssi (smiles)
-Junkyu: Good night, your highness (smiles)
-Sana: I told you to call me just Sana~
-Junkyu: Sorry, sorry, my bad... Today was a long day... (smiles)
-Sana: Is my brother making you do something that you don't want?
-Junkyu: No, no, but he likes looking around the market a lot (chuckles) I was tired of walking around...
-Sana: And what's that? (points to the bracelet)
-Junkyu: This? (smiles) It's just a gift...
-Sana: You weren't wearing it yesterday... Someone must have given it to you today... (smiles weakly)
-Junkyu: Yeah... You are very observant (smiles)
-Sana: I guess...
-Junkyu: Is it okay to ask for your spirit soul? I know that it is something personal but...
-Sana: Why do you want to know?
-Junkyu: I'm just curious, I bet its and eagle or something like that... (smiles)
-Sana: You are wrong...
-Junkyu: Really?! But you didn't miss any detail... I thought-
-Sana: That what's called women's instinct (smirks)
-Junkyu: Ah, I see... (smiles) Then, you aren't going to reveal your spirit soul to me?
-Sana: Revealing it to you, is almost similar to being naked in front of you... We don't know each other that much...
-Junkyu: That's right, I'm sorry. I'm being so impolite...
-Sana: Hmmm... However, you could keep on trying... (smiles) Maybe if we keep on meeting, one day I'll reveal it you.
-Junkyu: (heating up) W-Well... Then we should meet again, right? (smiles)
-Sana: (chuckles) Do you really wish that much to know about my spirit?
-Junkyu: I'm just curious... (smiles) You already know mine...
-Sana: Right... You are a wolf (smiles)
-Junkyu: (transforms into a wolf) And I'm not afraid of revealing myself to you, Sana...
-Sana: (blushes) What's that supposed to mean, Junkyu-ssi?
-Junkyu: Nothing (smiles and goes back to human) Just that I trust you. You are probably the most worth person at palace...
-Sana: Oh, why do you think so? (smiles)
-Junkyu: You have a pure heart (smiles) That's why...
-Sana: We know each other just from two days, how can you trust me that easily?
-Junkyu: I don't know... Why do you trust me? You are locked in a room with a man at night... Anything could happen, you know? (smiles)
-Sana: I don't know neither, I just trust you... I know that would never touch me or do something to me without permission.
-Junkyu: You are right, I'm not gonna do anything to you (smiles) I won't place a single finger on you.

SPIRIT SOUL: IDYLLIC Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora