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I'm currently inside the carriage heading to God knows where. Junkyu, you promised that you would look for me once this is over. You better keep the promise up, cause if not, I'll never forgive you.

-Sana: Uhm... Since you are going with my brother, does that mean that you-
-Namjoon: I'm not gay, I just love him... I feel attracted to some girls too.
-Sana: I see... I was just asking. What's your name? We haven't even been introduced to each other.
-Namjoon: My name is Namjoon, Kim Namjoon, I don't belong to any noble family or something like that... I'm poor, probably, my life's conditions would be worse than those rocks conditions... I'm really thankful to Jin.
-Sana: It's shameful how the palace tries to hide this...
-Namjoon: Of course, they just wants benefits for themselves. Almost all the nobles are really selfish... However, when I met Junkyu-
-Sana: Junkyu?! (surprised) You are-
-Namjoon: I'm not into him! (sighs) But he surprised me. He's really determined to change this world when he could actually have an awesome life... He would just need to marry a rich girl (smiles)
-Sana: He's not going to do that (serious)
-Namjoon: I know he won't, he'll-
-Sana: He'll marry me (smiles) He admitted to be my real love... Its a promise. We'll meet again and we'll be happy together.
-Namjoon: (smiles) Sure, you'll give Jin and I some nephews...
-Sana: (nods and smiles) Probably. But right now it's too soon for that... We don't know each other for that much...
-Namjoon: How did you meet?
-Sana: At the library (smiles) he was looking for his favourite book, and suddenly, our hands met.
-Namjoon: How cliche... (chuckles)
-Sana: Hey! You wouldn't understand it, the moment our hands touched felt like the world stopped. I promise that my heart skipped a beat the moment we had eye contact... I don't know, it felt really magic (smiles) Since that moment we started talking secretly, and I fell for him...
-Namjoon: (smiles) Sounds beautiful, but it is an impossible love, just like my case.
-Sana: That's what we are fighting for, oppa we'll win this and we'll be happy (smiles) Junkyu promised me.
-Namjoon: (chuckles and nods) We should stop here... We'll arrive tomorrow to the carnivorous territory (smiles)
-Sana: Are you sure that this is a nice idea? Someone could try to attack us...
-Namjoon: It's okay (smiles) This little town is where I was raised... Here everyone is really poor, but they are really nice and they won't mind having us tonight.
-Sana: I see (smiles) Let's get ready to sleep here then...

It's my first time leaving the palace, this world is much harder than how I imagined it. Outside the capital, there's lot of little towns where the citizens barely survive. I feel bad for all of them...

-Namjoon: This is not palace, so you probably feel uncomfortable... However, is everything we can afford here...
-Sana: This is more than enough (smiles) As a princess, its my debt to know and experience the conditions that my citizens are leaving with...
-Namjoon: You should avoid talking about your real identity. Please, get used to the new one... The one that Junkyu gave you (smiles)
-Sana: (grabs the record sheet) Hye Sangmi (chuckles) He used his own surname with me...
-Namjoon: (smiles) Sooner or later you would use it, right?
-Sana: That's right... (smiles) I like it, Hye Sana... Soon it'll be like that, however for the moment, I'll be Hye Sangmi.

They have been travelling for a day already, now they'll need to stop at Namjoon's town to spend the night. I'm really worried, will they make it to arrive safe?

-Jin: (places a hand on your shoulder) They'll be fine... (smiles) Trust Namjoon, he knows what he's doing.
-Junkyu: (nods) It's easy to say it, but hard to do it... (sighs) I just hope to finish with this as soon as possible.
-Jin: What are you going to do with him meanwhile?
-Junkyu: With who? Geubeom?
-Jin: (nods) He's jailed because he's the possible kidnapper...
-Junkyu: I would like to free him, but if I do that, I would be the next one... (sighs) I can't allow anyone to suspect about me, at least not for the moment...
-Jin: Then, what are you going to do? Are you going to allow him to be sacrificed?
-Junkyu: I can't do that neither... That goes against what I'm trying to defend (sighs) How can we do it? Oh!
-Jin: What happens? Any idea?
-Junkyu: Exactly... (smirks) All we need to do is to blame Sana for this. She could had hurt es Geubeom and leave him unconscious...
-Jin: He doesn't have a single wound to do that-
-Junkyu: Well... That's where we work (smiles)
-Jin: You want to hit him?!
-Junkyu: It's the only way we can save him (srughs) Plus, I'll act and use my spirit soul to say that she left alone (smiles)
-Jin: Okay, I trust you. If you think that it'll work out, then let's do it (smiles)
-Junkyu: (nods and smiles) Let's visit Geubeom tonight then...
-Jin: (sighs) I can't belive that we are really doing this...
-Junkyu: Well, it's already time for someone to take the first step (smiles)
-Jin: You are really brave...
-Junkyu: If I'm honest, I feel like I'm doing this because of Sana. Maybe if I didn't discover someone who thinks the same way as I do, like her, I wouldn't be doing this... So it's actually Sana the brave one, she took the first step (smiles)
-Jin: You are really into her (smiles)
-Junkyu: What can I do? (chuckles and srughs) Sana is my meant to be...
-Jin: (smiles softly) I hope we become a happy family after this is over. I consider you as my own brother already...
-Junkyu: Thanks (smiles) You are like a brother for me too (bumps fists with Jin) Now let's grab everything needed for tonight's mission...
-Jin: (nods)

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