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Life Of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

©2020Tena Ifiemi


hawái - maluma & the weekend  ♪

8 - billie eilish



That's the main adjective I could use to describe my house after Reya left that day. Of course she came back but of course she hasn't spoken to me since. She didn't act bitchy or radiate any negativity towards me. Just complete, icy cold silence.

And school resumes tomorrow...

I still didn't know how I felt about going back to school. Most people see boarding school as a nicer version of prison and prefer being at home. I actually used to be among 'most people' before, when I was still at my former school. Now? Now I'm wondering why I would find a place that doesn't want me better than the next option. The next option being school.

I'm not saying that school wants me though. Granted, I don't really have many friends. But at least over there, people can stand the sight of me and will talk to me. Things happen at school that make me smile. Actually smile. Sometimes, I even get to laugh. The only thing that makes school a bit unbearable is the stress from schoolwork and my nose is scrunched up right now just thinking about it.

Scanning through my list, I put a tick beside the things I've put into my box. Uniforms, blazer, sportswear... Realizing I've not put in any nightwear, I got up from my bed and went to my already opened wardrobe. A few minutes later and I was done. Well, except from the stuff I'll be using in the morning and those other stuff that you never remember until it's time to go.

I turned on my mobile data and almost immediately, my phone began to beep uncontrollably. I sighed and opened WhatsApp when the notifications finally stopped entering.

---Hey Girl!!!

---Just let me talk to her dammit☹️

---I'm not going to tell you I'm going to miss you cause I won't.😴😉

I smiled at that. This girl was so extra. Maybe I'll miss home. After all,  it's the only place I get to use my phone. I kept scrolling through the chats not opening any of them yet.

---What!? You don't think I can dance?? I feel insulted Ejiro.😨

Mitchel 💫💙
---She still isn't talking to you?!!!!😕

---I can't wait for tomorrow. I've missed seeing your face.

My heart skipped a beat at that and I blushed before scolding myself almost immediately.

They're just words Jiji. Stop reacting the way he wants you to react. It wasn't news after all, that Damian was a born flirt. He was that good at it.

Ever since Reya's asthma attack, Damian had been really sappy. First of all, when I finally checked my phone the day after we got back from Lagos—same day Reya stopped talking to me— I saw 6 missed calls from Damian and confused, I had called him back.

He started ranting about how worried he had been and then started being extra by saying he thought a bunch of mutated Barney obsessed toddlers had kidnapped me and trapped me inside a gigantic blob of green slime. And then he started ranting about how worried he was again because of the way our phone call ended that day. It was even worse when I told him about Reya's attack.

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