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Life Of Jiji

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©2021 Tena Ifiemi


beautiful mistakes - maroon 5 & megan thee stallion ♪


ł ШłSH ÐΛMłΛЛ ÐłÐЛ'Т come to find me in the library cause if he didn't I probably wouldn't have been reminded about class. He got me to be just in time for Literature! If you were recruited to write my biography and you don't include that my worst subject ever is Literature then you don't know me at all.

How can you put your all into writing write a full paged summary and still get three out of ten? How? That's the book, 'The Downsides Of Having To Learn Literature' summed up into one question. Of course not, Karen! It's not a real book. And have I included that my Literature teacher hates me? I came 2 minutes late and she made me stand outside for 15!

Granted, I couldn't even concentrate on whatever she was teaching when she finally let me in. Trust me, I didn't plan to, but I kept wondering how tonight would turn out and what Damian wanted to tell me. What could be happening at home that bothers him so much? Why did we have to meet at the bleachers and wasn't it dangerous? What if we get caught on the way there or on the way back? What if they look for us at prep? Last time, I was supposed to be at the hostel, but what would the girls say if I don't show up to prep?

"Ejiro Irikefe, stand up and explain to  the class how Wuthering Heights is a Gothic fiction."

Of course, Ms Maryjane. I've been waiting for you to pick on me!


Something very unexpected happened today: Kene came to talk to me. It was during Visual arts class. I was concentrating on my abstract work of wild strokes and a weird mixture of colours - it was my last chance to prove to Mr Zaki that painting was not for me - when Kene pulled up a chair beside me before sitting down.

I was really nervous and I didn't know what to do and why he was there. First of all, I've never really had a conversation with Kene, even when it wasn't against 'girl code' to speak to him. I looked around me warily to make sure nobody was looking at us.

"What are you doing here!?" I yelled, while also whispering. Minus that awful night prep which I still regret, I'm sure everyone knows that I would never actually yell at someone.

"I came to talk to you." I waited for him to continue while adding dots at random points of my art work using gold paint. "About Ayo."

"Okay..." I dragged out the last syllable, still not looking at him and hoping he goes straight to the point so the weird encounter would sooner be over and done with.

"Well, I'm sure you know by now, but me and Ayo, we were together for the longest time, okay?"

I realized he was the kind of person who wanted to make sure, at every point of the gist, that the other person was listening to him.


"Yeah, and I know I fucked up and all but I've said I'm sorry. How can she just move on? I know, I can't. I promised it was the last time and Ch-"

"I'm sure you've made this promise before."

He ignored me, "Chisom came unto me and-"

"You could have said no."

"You don't know this girl. Trust me, Chisom would come unto your boyfriend and there's nothing you would be able to do about it."

"I don't have a boyfriend, Kene."

Life of JijiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora