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Life Of Jiji

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©2021 Tena Ifiemi


loved by you - justin beiber & burna boy ♪

away - ayra starr


"VłϾТłMS ФŦ ЯΛPΞ ТΞЛÐ to suffer problems with their mental health. I'm talking things like post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and many others which you might have heard of. During the first weeks of their abuse, they fear that they might have contacted an STI or gotten pregnant. 71% of females raped are really concerned about their relatives finding out that they've been raped and 68% of victims are frightened at the prospect of people outside their family finding out that they've been raped.

"Rape victims within the last five years are more concerned about their image being published in the media than every other rape victim. The thought of it all, terrifies them. That all those people would find out about the horrifying thing that has happened to them. Now you understand why a lot of people keep sexual abuse a secret when it happens to them. Hindering themselves from getting the help they need and also leaving these rapists to go unpunished, most of the time.

"Yes, rape is scary but I want to tell y'all; never be afraid to speak up. Never! Most people say, 'It has happened anyways, so what's the point?' Let me tell you, there is a point. You keeping quiet would do more harm than you can even imagine. Not only to you but to the future victims of these rapists."

That was the rest of Amarachi Nwabueze's speech but since I had passed out, I didn't hear this until a lot later. Apparently, the school had the whole event recorded and the video had been posted on the school's website.

Yes, its true. I was raped. I was raped by my dad's brother when I was 9 years old. The story I'm about to tell now, is one I've relived in my head for the past 6 years. In my dreams at night and random visions as well and it's still as frightening as ever.

We were supposed to travel. All of us; my mom, me, TJ, Reya and my dad. Unfortunately though, I caught an awful sickness the day before and no matter how much we tried to conceal it before we were supposed to leave, we couldn't because they told us at the airport that I couldn't get on the plane.

Mom had to go, it was her dad's 70th birthday and she had to be there so dad said he would stay back with me while my mom, TJ and Reya went for the celebration. I cried and cried but mom is her dad's first daughter and they're really close. She was tempted to cancel on it because of how much I cried but we all knew that won't happen. They finally boarded the plane and dad took me home.

He was really caring and even though I was little, I felt bad that he had to miss the party because of me. It wasn't going to be a one day thing and I knew it was going to be really big. Grandpa is a very big deal apparently. Annoyingly enough, I got better the next day and it seemed like a waste of what I knew was going to be an amazing week. Now I was going to be bored at home with only dad to keep me company.

He tried his best though. We spent most of the time with him teaching me how to play chess. I still can't play chess till this day, but I enjoyed learning. The next day after I got better, dad went out and left me with my neighbor to take care of me. She was a teenager, who spent most of her time on her phone and was probably in the kitchen when Uncle Ovie came in. I was delighted to see him. He was everyone's favorite uncle, especially Reya and the fact that she has part of his name in hers adds to it all.

"Uncle Ovie!" I hailed running into his arms. "It's been long, you don't care about me again."

"Ah ahn, why would you say that?" He said. Uncle Ovie is dad's youngest brother and he's really young. He was about twenty at the time.

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