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Life Of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

©2022 Tena Ifiemi


greek god - conan gray ♪

smile - wizkid & h.e.r. ♪


By the end of school on Monday, the entire Year 11 class was buzzing with excitement.

The principal had announced that she wanted to speak to us after school so after our last class, we all had to move to the auditorium to hear what she had to say. The truth though was that there was news going round that it was about the prefectship elections but if you ask the person who told you if they were sure, they'll just shrug and say that's what they heard.

Anyway, at the end of the day, when we went to meet with the Principal, it was confirmed. On Wednesday, those interested were to pick up forms and submit them Monday next week after which there'll be a screening exercise before campaigns, manifesto speeches and finally, elections.

I remember that in my former school, they just appointed the prefects themselves but this way was admittedly more fun but a bit scary as well. I've already heard two really close friends voice out interests in the same prefectship post. I'm not sure how that one is going to end out.

"What are you going for, Ejiro?" Someone asked me and I shrug. The next time someone asks the question I reply honestly,

"I don't know. I doubt if I'm even going to contest."

I had given it a brief thought and it didn't seem like it was for me. My only problem is that I didn't want to have to side with any of my friends over another.

"Ejiro!" I hear someone call my name and when I turn its Mide, hurrying to me.

"What happened?" I ask him as I squint my eyes in the sun, watching his approaching figure.

"Um, nothing. Have you heard from Damian though?" He asks immediately making me worry from the way he was sounding.

"Only on Saturday." I respond, "Is there any problem?"

"Nothing, except that Damian has been eyeing the Sport Prefect post for forever and he's so close to loosing his chance."

"Oh, no." I frown becoming very very bothered. "Do you know a way to reach him? Can you call him? He wouldn't want to miss this."

"Calm down Ejiro, I didn't mean to worry you. I'll call him okay?"

I nod and when he starts to leave, I remember something and call him back, "Can you get back to me after you talk to him?" I begin to stutter, "I...um... I'd like to know how soon he'd be coming."

Mide smiles.

"Of course."

For the days that followed, all everyone could talk about were the elections. People that had already decided what they wanted to run for had started campaigning in secret even when the school said not to. I wonder if they forgot that they were still going to be screened. People were calling their parents. People were being extra nice to juniors and some people were even making enemies.

It was a whole reality TV show.

But what bothered me was that it was Wednesday morning, Damian wasn't back and I hadn't still heard from Mide. He probably forgot to give me feedback since it wasn't like he was obliged to anyway. I'd have gone to meet him but I just haven't been able to. Every time I see him, its either he's in the midst of guys or with Ayo and I'd rather not approach him in any of those cases.

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