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Life of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

2020 ©Tena Ifiemi


ΛŦТΞЯ ÐłЛЛΞЯ, ł ШΛŁКΞÐ back to the hostel with just Ayo (The twins walked with some other girls). We didn't say much, she just asked me how I found the food and that was all. What about what one of the twins said when I went with Reya? What was the big deal if I was 'Ovieya's sister'?

At the hostel, the hostel parents conducted the night devotion and they shared some brief information before we were finally allowed to retire to our rooms. I was exhausted! Today has been a very tiring day and I'm definitely not anticipating tomorrow. Tomorrow is Monday, and that day is the worst day of the week to a lot of people for a reason. Gathering all my toiletries, I left for the bathroom after asking for directions from my roommates.

I can certainly say that the bathroom was what made me realize how much I would miss home. Call me vain if you want but I'm going to miss relaxing in a bathtub. Here, I had to use the shower all the time or fetch water into my bucket and use it to bathe from there. One thing was sure though, there would be no relaxation; just get in, scrub, make sure you're clean and then leave. There might not even be hot water. I shivered even at the thought of pouring cold water on my body. I entered one of the spacious stalls and set my bucket on the floor before going on to slide it towards the faucet and turning it on to let hot water—if there was any—to flow out.

Turns out, there was actually hot water and my shower was not as bad as I expected. When I got back to the room Ayo was already sleeping. I guess she was as tired as I was. What if Nini was the twin that made the comment...

I got dressed in one of my new night clothes and wondered if I should say anything to Nini or just keep quiet. Nini still wasn't sleeping but she was lying down. Maybe she was about to sleep...I shouldn't disturb her...

"Ejiro?" She called and I turned to face her. "Ovieya is your sister?"

"Yes... I'm sorry I didn't say so earlier. It just never came up."

"Hey, It's nothing to do with you. We were just shocked... I don't know how you will take this but, most of us girls don't really... We don't really talk to Ovieya. It's something to do with Dami though... let's just say our sisters don't have the best relationship." She said pausing many times during her speech obviously feeling very awkward about what she had to say.

"I understand. Reya being my sister doesn't mean my classmates have to like her. I can handle it." I told her.

I came to Meliora to start over. I did not really have a good relationship with people in my former school and I could not have Reya ruining my first chance at friendship or at least...people to talk to. I grab my eye mask from my wardrobe and make my way to my bed. A few minutes later, I pull the sleeping mask off my eyes and rest it on my forehead. I knew Nini wasn't sleeping yet and I had one more question to ask her.



"What did Reya do?"

"It's not my place to tell... You can ask Dami tomorrow."

"You and Dami are still the same person in my eyes."

"Very funny Ejiro" She laughed shortly and I joined in. "But seriously, I'd rather Dami tell you."




"Ejiro, wake up!"

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