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Life of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

2020 Tena Ifiemi


ТHΞЯΞ ШΛS ЛФБФÐЏ łЛ the room when I entered but from the looks of the already made bed in the corner and the unpacked box beside it, I could tell that I wasn't the only person that had arrived. I quickly became nervous because I did not know what to expect of my roommates. Meeting new people has always been a pain to me. There were four beds in the room, each of them with a reading table beside it. I liked it, it's so much less clustered than the rooms in my former school. We could have from 8-10 girls in a room!

I picked one bed and threw my backpack on it before sitting on the bed myself. I began to unpack, arranging my clothes in different heaps on my bed before I stood up to go and check out the wardrobes. I picked one and accessed the interior based on my belongings, telling myself where I would put this and that.

"Hello!" Somebody called from somewhere behind me and I could swear, my heart practically stopped and then started again beating painfully in my chest. Why the hell does everything scare me so much?!

I turned to check who the intruder was and it was one of the twins.

"Hi." I greeted back.

"Did I scare you? I'm sorry. I can see that you're new, I saw you with Ayoola. Lol, I hope she hasn't started bullying you already. What's your name?" The girl rambled and I wondered where I was supposed to start replying from and she talks really, really fast. Like, how?

"You actually did scare me but never mind. And yeah, my name is Ejiro."

"I'm Niniola. Nini for short." I smiled when she said this and wondered if I should have told her that I was called Jiji for short.

"I like your name. It's really nice." I say, not really knowing what to say and then my heart began to race again in fear that I had made things awkward.

"Thanks. Do you know who our other roommate is?"

"No, she wasn't here when I came in."

"It looks like Ayomide's box sha." She said and I did not know if she was talking to me or not. Then she went straight to the girl's wardrobe and opened it. I cringed. Was she supposed to do that? Or the people here just have no regard for privacy.

"Yup, it's Ayo. That's her cream...and her nightie and..." She giggled. "The g-string, yup, It's definitely Ayo."

"Definitely Ayo that did what?" I froze at the voice of a third presence in the room. One that was definitely Ayomide. Nini shut the wardrobe and turned to look at the girl, I finally turned too.

"I knew it!" Nini said, grinning.

"Nini!" Ayo screamed while running to hug Niniola.

So she's not angry about the invasion of privacy? Well, I guess I'll have to get used to this huh?

"Ayo, see our new classmate."

"Woah, sorry I didn't notice you at first. What's your name?"

"Ejiro" I replied.

"Ayy, Warri girl!" She hailed and I laughed. Ayo, looked like someone that was very hyper and I liked her already. Like Nini, she was also dark skinned but a few shades lighter.

"I'm Ayo... Ayomide, call me which ever you like."

"Ayo is such a nice name." I said.

"Ejiro!" Nini exclaimed bursting into a fit of giggles. "Are you going to tell everybody you meet that you like their name?" She said still laughing and I could feel my whole face and neck heat up.

Life of JijiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora