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Life Of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

©2021 Tena Ifiemi


merry-go-round - astro

dorime (amapiano remix) ♪


One word came to mind when I came downstairs on Christmas morning: Beautiful. Don't ask me why, it just was. I would say it's going better than I expected but then I really wasn't expecting anything. Of course, Muna was still brooding and I knew it was mostly because this was a first. Mom had explained that when you lose someone, the first anything without them would always hurt like hell. But I also felt weirdly guilty like I had also done something to upset him.

I hope not.

Khadi had called this morning and I paused when she said, "Merry Christmas."

"Don't be silly," She laughed at my awkwardness, "Me being Muslim doesn't mean I can't tell you Merry Christmas."

I laughed and denied even thinking about that but it gave me a more open mind when Zainab texted me the same thing. I'd never had a Muslim friend (or even really been around them) before I came to MIA so I was very careful —I didn't want to ever say or do anything to offend anyone even though it'll most likely be unintended. Although I wanted to, I also didn't know much about the religion probably because the southern part of Nigeria were I live isn't really Muslim dominated.

Reya was making her specialty for breakfast; pancakes. This was because, the main food wasn't even anywhere near being ready. The kitchen was extremely busy and my dad's sister, Mena had even come to help. I took the tray of carrots and green beans my mom handed to me even as she repeated over and over, "All hands on deck."

The kitchen was an array of aromas and if you need to go out and get something mom's voice literally follows you out with, "Close the door!" When you think you're starting to really inhale chicken stock, the smell of roasted fish hits you from another side and then the aroma of the moin-moin that Aunty Mena had been working on starts wafting into your nose.

It was a typical Christmas morning and with the amount of food, even if I didn't already know, it was obvious we'll be having guests over because there's no way all this food is for just us. But apart from that, its normal. I don't remember any Christmas were we haven't had to host at least a few guests. Everybody just had to eat 'Christmas rice' and mom loved making it available.

It was when my mom mentioned that we'll be cooking three different types of rice today that I realized just how much vegetables were in the tray in front of me. I sighed as I got to work.

TJ had put on some music and it floated softly around the house through the tiny speakers on the ceiling. It gave me that feeling when you just wanted to sink your head into your neck and hug yourself. It really felt and smelt like Christmas.

The presents under the Christmas tree was new but not unusual. They looked like they belonged there, like we've been doing it for ages. It was lovely and it surprised me how I was actually really curious to see what everyone got me. Initially I didn't think much abut it but maybe its just all the happiness suffocating me.

The same unusual happiness that made me reach for my phone and called Damian on speed dial.

"Hi Damian!" I smiled to myself.

He chuckled, "You sound excited, what's happening?"

I rolled my eyes, "It's Christmas! How dare you!?" I scolded even though the smile didn't leave my face.

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