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Life Of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

2020 ©Tena Ifiemi


ТHΛТ ЛłGHТ ÐUЯłЛG PЯΞP, I took my seat next to Mitchell as usual. We had gotten close over the weeks, even though he still gives me his frustratingly long notes to write for him sometimes.

"Hello dear sister."

I raised a brow. This wasn't entirely unusual, no. Mitchell usually greeted me this way: 'Hello dear Ejiro', 'Hello dear friend', 'Hello dear rabbit' but dear sister? Maybe I'm over thinking it.

"Hello dear annoying one." I greeted back.

"How contrasting."

I peeked at the notebook in front of him, where he had been writing since I came in but he quickly closed it before I had a chance to see what it was.

"Mitchell!" I grinned teasingly. "What's that?"

"Not your business." He said bringing out his maths book from his bag.

"Ouch." I said pulling a very intense 'hurt look'. "Seriously?! You're not even going to look at me?" I asked when he didn't so much as glance my way. "What was it? A love letter?"

Mitchell blushed. "Yes. Don't widen your eyes so much, they might pop out." He still didn't look at me. Staring at his table like he drew the girl on it.

"Who's the girl?" I asked trying and failing to wink.

He finally turned, "You don't know?" Now it was his turn to make his eyes pop out.

"I'm supposed to?"

"No, never mind."

"That's not fair! You sounded like it was something I was supposed to know!" I whined pulling his arm.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Chisom watching us and I could tell that Mitchell did too because he narrowed his eyes at her till she averted her gaze. Weird.

Mitchell turned back to me, "Do you know that your set girls don't like me?" He asked stirring away from the topic and although I wanted to know about Mitchell's mysterious love interest, this was twice as intriguing.

"That's insane. Why would they not like you?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Don't they give you hell because we're friends?" He asked ignoring my question.

"You're not even making sense." I tell him glancing at Chisom whose back was now turned to us.

We didn't talk much after that. Previously, I wanted Mitchell to help me with my math homework since I'm so bad at math and he's like, super smart but he seemed not to be in a good mood and I didn't know how to ask him what was wrong.

After prep, he slung his bag over his shoulder and left before anyone else leaving me wondering when he even packed his books back into his bag. Richard walked me out. As we proceeded to the hostels, I noticed Chisom and Dami walking together in front of me and I could swear I heard Chisom whisper my name just before Dami looked back at me. No sooner than she had looked Chisom slapped her shoulder and gave her a stern look as if to say : why did you look back? Now she would know we were talking about her!
What's that all about?

I said bye to Richard when we got to the senior girls' hostel before he proceeded to his. The girls' hostels come before the boys'. After the normal night devotion, I went along with the other girls to the table were Miss Ronke, one of the hostel staff gave us our night cap before retreating to our rooms.

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