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Life Of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

©2022 Tena Ifiemi


die for you - the weeknd

playlist - M.I. & nonso amadi

|Damian Briggs|

I admit, it was hard returning back to school after having the chance to take care of my mom for all these weeks. She had been pushing me to leave since the actual resumption date but I was stubborn. I knew I would have to resume school eventually but I wanted to delay it for as long as possible.

It's not like there wasn't anybody there to take care of her. Pete was there and even Jayden, my little brother could run a few small errands but I knew the only way I'd be at rest is if I was there. Physically. Only then would I be sure what's going on and exactly when anything happens.

Mom didn't know that Mide called me about the prefectship applications and I didn't want her to. I spent the entire night and the next day thinking about it. This has been one of my biggest high school dreams: becoming the Sports Prefect, so I was very conflicted. I didn't want to leave mom but I didn't also want to miss out on this.

Mr Harry calling was one thing I did not expect. In fact when my mom picked up the call and I realized who she was talking to, my heartbeat accelerated. I knew I hadn't done anything wrong so I didn't really understand why at the time. I realized later though, that it was because I was keeping something from mom. If she knew about the prefectship applications -which I didn't tell her about- she'd not have let me stay this long. I remember the look she gave me before handing me her phone followed by,

'Abi I told you to go to school.'

The highlight was finding out who was behind the whole thing. I couldn't believe it. Ejiro? The blush that took over my face when Mr Harry said, 'Your girlfriend' still embarrassed me. I still stand on the fact that it was because I was caught unawares and the call was on speakerphone. Mom had quirked an amused eyebrow when she heard it.

When the phone was passed to Ejiro, mom nodded silently with a small smile and gestured to the door. A silent answer to my unasked question. I smiled back and left the ward.

I was surprised by her reaction after I spoke the first words. When I asked how many people she was going to send after me. Maybe she didn't understand my tone or maybe my voice had indeed become flat after the way that day had gone. Mom wasn't in any critical situation, yes but a hospital day was not a field one especially with the news we heard...or at least I was hearing for the first time.

Maybe it was just my ignorance though, because why hadn't the cost of my mom's treatment occurred to me all this while? Our family's finances which were basically what was keeping my mom alive were going down the drain and among all the things I saw going wrong, that one didn't occur to me. When I heard, all the cogs in my brain began to turn at once,

"But, mom. We can't be broke, I'm pretty su-"

"Nobody said we're broke Damian."

I ignored her, "Yeah but what of all those money in my trust fund and well, Dan's? He's working, he can take care of himself. I mean, even my university savings..."

That was when she slapped me. Searching my memories now, it's actually been a long time since my mom slapped me or even hit me which was probably why I was so shocked.

"Don't ever bring that up again! Do you hear me, Damian!" She screamed at me and on cue, a nurse entered the room and told me to leave.

I didn't hesitate, I knew I needed space to at least clear my mind. Immediately I entered a stall in the bathroom, I began to cry. The tears hit me unexpectedly and at first I tried to clean them as fast as they were falling but I soon gave up, no one was seeing me anyway so I might as well just let it out.

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