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Life Of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

©2022 Tena Ifiemi


soaked - BENEE

tales by moonlight - tiwasavage & amaarae


"They've been sneaking around since we resumed." One girl explained even as I haven't still gotten over the shock of it all.

The Kene that cheated on her with Chisom.

The Kene that has cheated on her with other girls apart from Chisom?

The Kene that obviously doesn't value her.

I'm confused as I glanced over at Khadi who was propped up on her pillows scrolling down a smuggled phone. Feeling my gaze, she turns to me and shrugs,

"Disappointed, yes. Surprised, no." She says simply and turns back to her phone.

Amarachi nods her agreement, "I'm not surprised. You weren't here, Ejiro. They're relationship was basically like a marriage."

"Doesn't mean she shouldn't identify red flags and run." Katherine piques in.

"I agree sha, the whole thing is toxic." Amarachi says.

"It scares me bro. I'm sorry, but just by looking at some relationships in this school, I'm not sure I want to be in one." Someone says and Amarachi turns to her,

"Not all are bad." She says quietly, an uncertain look in her eyes.

"Yeah, please just say Kene and Ayo abeg " Tolani says.

"But it's not just them. Do you know that Jay and Christine have broken up?"

A chorus of shocked sounds emits from the room. Even I am shocked because I know the couple. Everyone knows Jay and Christine, I'm sure even staff envy their relationship...or what used to be their relationship.

"I just can't believe Ayo is doing this." I finally speak, "I mean most of us were here when she sat on my bed," I pat my bed beside me for reference as I speak,"...and said that she can't be his girlfriend if she can't trust him. What happened to that?"

"Maybe she can trust him now." Someone snickered.

"That doesn't even make sense." Mercy says.

"Well she also said she still loves him." Khadijah adds quietly and just then Ayo walks into the room.

Everyone fell silent and someone stupidly tried to change the topic, doing it in a way that was so obvious, I wanted to bury myself in my bed. Talk about speaking of the devil!

Then Khadi says something that puts me on edge, "How was it Ayo?"

My head snaps to her, I wanted to plead with her not to do what I knew she was about to do but she won't meet my eyes.

"How was what?"

There's a pause and Khadi makes the lot of us who have figured out what she was doing wait in fear and Ayo in confusion for what she was about to say before she slowly drops the bomb,

"Making out with your cheating boyfriend."

Ayo's face falls.

"Khadijah!" Amarachi yells while others gasp. "What is wrong with you!?" Amarachi is fuming and when I glance over at Ayo again her hands are shaking and in a second, she flees from the room.

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