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Life Of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

©2021 Tena Ifiemi


skoin skoin - ckay & bianca costa

diamonds - sam smith ♪


ТHΛТ ЛłGHТ, UЛϾŁΞ ФVłΞ was in my dream. I had my usual nightmare, just with a different scenery. This time, I was in my prep room while it happened and Mitchel and Reya were staring down at me.

What I regret the most about that night wasn't the nightmare though. It was the fact that I cried and thrashed around my bed in my sleep thus waking up Tolani and now she was seated beside me on my bed trying to comfort me.

"Ejiro are you okay?" Tolani asked, sitting me up.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said. "I just need to drink water." I reached for my water bottle on my reading table beside my bed but she still didn't move. "Hey, I'm okay." I said after a gulp even though I could feel my fingers shaking.

"What's up?" I heard another sleepy voice ask and I internally groaned. It was Khadijah and she came to join Tolani on my bed.

"She was crying in her sleep." Tolani said and I winced."And she won't say what happened."

"It was just a dream Tola. It's not that serious."

After eyeing me skeptically, Tolani went back to her bed but Khadi didn't budge. That's when I realized that Khadi saw me having the nightmare the last time. She let it go last time, but she's bound to ask questions this time.

But all Khadi said was, "Goodnight" after asking if she should put off the lights since Tolani had left it on, and then she went back to her bed.

I think we really need to change our default greeting. I wonder why people bother saying 'Good morning', 'Good evening' and the rest. It doesn't change anything. Khadi saying 'goodnight' didn't make my night good because I didn't even fall asleep again after the nightmare. Thankfully, the next day was Saturday and I didn't have school.

I didn't go out for the compulsory morning sports and aerobics the next morning. I told Ms Angela that I was sick and she let me sleep in. I wasn't actually sick, of course, but I did sleep. Why the sleep didn't come when it was supposed to is what I don't understand. Somewhere in my hazy state of mind, I remembered Damian telling me to be there for his auditions and compelled myself out of bed. In the midst of my laziness, I had imagined forfeiting breakfast but since the auditions are immediately after breakfast, I found myself hurrying to the bathroom.

Dressing myself up in jeans and a yellow T-shirt, I brushed my hair and sprinted out of the hostel, only slowing down to walking when I saw people. Breakfast was halfway over when I got to the cafeteria and most people were already going back to the hostel. While collecting my food, Mrs. Ayoola, the hostel mistress cornered me, asking why she didn't see me during sports time. I had to spend a few minutes explaining that I was sick —even if I really wasn't —and that I already told Ms. Angela.

When I finally settle down on my table, it's empty. Well, until Damian waltz down and takes a seat in front of me.

He was wearing black Camo combat trousers and a baggy white Tee and looked fresh out of the shower. I wondered if I looked that way too since I just took a bath but then apparently, it was one thing to look fresh out of the shower and another thing to smell fresh out of the shower. The smell of Damian's cologne was doing something to my senses.

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