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Life of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

2020 ©Tena Ifiemi


ΛЏФ ÐłÐЛ'Т ϾФMΞ БΛϾК to the hostel for like thirty minutes into the siesta. I had my speculations of where she might have been though, but if my suspicions were any correct she didn't make it obvious. She just grabbed her toiletry bag and stalked to the bathroom. When she was done there she got dressed and went to sleep immediately.

Oh well...

I wonder how Ayo did it. Fall asleep so fast, I mean. Cause I didn't sleep all through the siesta period; my mind was all over the place... which is not rare at all. I thought back to my former school: Gold Crest High School. All I can say is that the thoughts were not good at all. As always I had been an easy target. I can't say why but I had never felt completely alive in that place. Not that I ever really felt alive but although its too late into high school, I wanted a change...

I want to see if it would work out here, I want to see if I can actually have people to call my friends and maybe even a best friend if I keep my fingers crossed long enough, or at least people to visit during the holidays... people who would come to my house to visit me and not just TJ and Reya.

Why did I choose Meliora? Because Reya is here! Of course I would have chosen any other good school. They're a lot of them better than Mel but I for once wanted to be closer to family, to try and see if there was someone in there I could actually talk to. TJ is away at college so that left Reya.

I laughed quietly to myself. Did I actually think that Reya would have time for me? This was her world and I'm intruding. Would she want to bother with the obnoxiously quiet little sister? Of course not Jiji! No I'm not painting y sister out to be the bad guy. I love my sister and the rest of my family, I just don't think I'm worth wasting time over.

When the bell went off indicating that siesta is over and its time for prep, I slipped out of bed, put on my flip-flops and went to the bathroom. I didn't really need to pee, I just wanted to stretch my legs I guess. After washing my face, I walked past a hallway full of droopy-eyed girls as I walked to my own room to just to find my roommates still asleep. I shook my head and proceeded to tap on them and try to wake them up. When that didn't work, I started calling their names it their ears but they didn't budge. Okay, Nini stirred a little but Ayo; not at all.

Probably exhausted from all that catching up she had to do with Kene. If you know what I mean...

How were they able to get up before me this morning if they sleep this deep? Okay maybe I called their names to softly for them to jerk awake but was I supposed to shout? I wouldn't like it if someone woke me up by shouting in my ear.

"Who are those girls still lying down?!" I turned back to see Mrs. Ayoola standing at the door with one hand pressed to the wall, a thunderous expression on her face.

"Ayomide! Niniola! Get up from there right now!" She shouted and the girls scrambled out of their beds. I guess that's what it took to wake them up. And then I wondered if they were actually conscious when I was trying to wake them up.

"Good morning Miss Ayoola." Nini greeted and I fought the urge to laugh. Mrs. Ayoola only narrowed her eyes at her.

"Goodnight!" The woman snapped and exited the room. I giggled and the girls wore amused looks, I'm sure that if they were not so shaken after the way they were woken up, they would have joined me.


Prep was in the classroom bock so it took a while getting there and settling down. When we got there, we learnt that there was a new arrangement and that instead of doing prep in your class, everyone would now be assigned specific prep classes. They were going to mix all the students in senior school (Year 10 - Year 12) Together and just scatter us into different classes. Everyone was angry and we hardly had any afternoon prep since students were shouting and protesting. First none of my roommates happen to be in my class, now I was going to have to deal with Year 10s and Year 11s that I don't know as well. I must say, Its a very good way to make me pay attention to my books; since I won't be talking to anyone.

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