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Life Of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

©2020Tena Ifiemi


БЯΞΛКŦΛSТ ШΛS ΛMΛZłЛG. Until mom said we were not leaving for Port-Harcourt till it was evening because apparently, that was the only flight we could get.

I didn't believe it.

Mom was scheming again, that I know because she soon said;

"Oh that's true Girls? Have you met my friends kids yet? I heard some of them are here in the hotel and they're around your age. I think there's enough time to make new friends."


It was almost two and mom had gone out, leaving me and Reya at Lady D's suite. Reya was really awkward and has still not said a word the whole day. Immediately we got there, she sank into the nearest bean bag and shut everyone out. She didn't even use her phone.

As if by reflex, I found myself scanning the room for Tobe but he wasn't here. Rachel waved me over and I went to sit beside her. As I walked over, I passed an open door and saw Dianne sitting on a bed. Her eyes shot up and met mine and I immediately looked away, moving quickly.

Is it wrong to say that she creeps me out? Scares me actually.

"Hey boo, whats up?" Rachel hollered and patted the space beside her on the couch.

"I'm okay, I guess." I said, playing with my phone. I could tell she wanted to start a conversation but I wont have anything to say and knowing me, Ill just end up making things awkward.

"So You go to that Meliora school ba?" She asked and I nodded.

Rachel smiled. "You people have fine fine boys ehn."

I laughed at that. Mostly in a bid to add to the conversation than for humour sake.

I sipped on my Chi Exotic. "What about Damian Briggs?" She said and I almost choked. But sis wasn't stopping, "I seriously want to meet that boy, I swear. How does he not live in Lagos?" She groaned.

"I mean, who actually lives in a place that's not Lagos?" She rambled on and I sucked in my lips. "Oops, sorry."

"Its alright." I started to say but Rachel had already continued.

"But seriously, have you seen this guy's Instagram? He's like a freaking model! Port Harcourt girls are so lucky!"

"I was getting more amused by the second."

"Umm Rachel you're in Year 12 right?" I asked, finally looking at her. She nodded. "And you know that Damian is in Year 11?"

Rachel sighed, rolling her eyes.

"He's older than me. Besides, its not like I want to marry him so..."

"Oh, okay." I said, concentrating on rubbing the fingerprints off my phone screen forcing myself not to shake my head.

"Do you mind?"

I looked up to see Dianne towering over us from my sitting position. She was holding two cans of Star Radler and wearing an amused smile. Was she listening on our convo?

"So?" She asked again and Rachel took the drink from her hand.

She looked at me and I started to shake my head, declining the offer. Dianne rolled her eyes and placed a hand on her waist, resting her weight on one leg.

"It's just like 0.7%. It won't kill you." She said and put the can in my hand before walking back to her seat on an armchair which I now realized, was directly opposite us.

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