CHAPTER 6:Reality

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...Good morning.

Now then, I, Iris, after receiving instructions from father, have moved to the Armelia territory. Today is the first day. The morning sun is dazzling, illuminating the territory.

As for what I'm doing so early in the morning, I'm practicing yoga. The first thing I did in the morning after waking up is to exercise, and more importantly, it's good for the health. ...Well, not quite. My body is a little chubby, you see. Because of my status of being a daughter of a Duke, I tend to eat luxurious and high-calorie meals as much as I desired, so it's natural for me to gain weight. And because of that, I decided on going on a diet and work hard in the mornings.

"Good morning, young mistress., kyaaa!"

"...Oh, Tanya. Good morning."

I wonder why Tanya is so surprised? Ah, of course, Tanya also came to Armelia territory with me. I thought it was fine since it was not the "confinement route."

"Good morning, but that's not it. Young mistress, what on earth are you doing with that kind of appearance."

"This kind of appearance, you say..."

I looked at my own appearance. ...Linen tunic and pants which I procured with the help of a maid. Don't you think it's the perfect clothing to wear while exercising?

"For the goodness of my health, I intend to exercise like this every morning. I chose clothes that are easy to move in, is it no good?"

"Young mistress, exercise?"

A dubious and suspicious expression filled Tanya's face. Certainly, a noble young lady exercising, I can't really imagine it.

"Yes. I read in a book that it's not good for one's health if one doesn't move their body. Because I intend to do this every morning, please do not be so surprised."

"I understand... Please excuse my impoliteness."

"It's fine... But because I perspired, could you please have a bath ready?"

"Of course."

After I got into the bath Tanya had prepared, I went and had breakfast. ...Because I exercised, I ate a lot for breakfast. Of course, I made sure it was well balanced.

"...After this, I would like to speak to Sebastian. Could you please make an appointment?"


The excellent Tanya immediately made an appointment with Sebastian, and the talk with him will take place before noon. Sebastian is a Steward and Butler of our House. Even when I say "butler," he has been left to administer our territory substantially. In other words, a Super Butler.

When Sebastian entered the room, he somehow had the same smell as Rimé... In other words, he was dressed stylishly in a swallowtail coat. Even though he was moving briskly, he didn't give the impression of someone in a hurry. Instead, his movements looked really beautiful... In addition to a head full of gray hair, his appearance is the definition of a dazzling butler.

"...You appear to be quite busy, I apologize for calling you in spite of your busy schedule."

"Nay. By all rights, it should have been me who should have given you my greetings, I apologize."

"Now then, without delay. Could you please gather and present to me the reports of the territory's income and expenditures for the past three years?"

"I respectfully obey. However, what will you be doing with it?"

"I will be reading all of it, of course. I have, after all, accepted the "Feudal Lord Representative" position given by the Duke. However, although I'm ashamed to say this, I currently have no information on how the territory is being managed or the present situation. Therefore, can you please give me one month?"

Common Sense of a Duke's DaughterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin