CHAPTER 92: A Man's Troubles

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Although I kept my guard, I still followed the woman's steps.

".... Tanya."

Suddenly, she called a name into the empty air in front of her.

There's no one....? Just as that thought appeared in my head, another woman seemingly materialized to her side.

"You called, missus?"

"Mm, please arrange for a doctor immediately."

"That's already been done. We are waiting for missus' orders."

"Ah, atta girl, Tanya.... Then, what do you want to do?"

The conversation was suddenly thrown at me. My only response was confusion.

"What I want to do, that means...."

"We've already made preparations, so the doctor may go to your little brother promptly. Now, you have two choices- either trust me and have Tanya bring the doctor to your brother's side right now, or first come to my estate?"

My heart throbbed with a moment's notice. To be honest, I didn't want anything more than to have the doctor treat my brother.

.... But.

".... Let's go to your estate first."

I picked the latter. Hearing my reply, the woman named Iris narrowed her eyes.

"Well, why is that?"

"I told you, I'm not naive enough to trust someone who popped out of nowhere. I'll go to where you live, and properly discuss what you said. I'm not just going to give up my brother so easily."

After I stated my thoughts boldly, she started to smile for some reason.

"That type of thinking isn't bad.... If you change your mind, just tell me on the spot. Oh, and don't worry about fees. It's all on me."

".... I understand."

Then, we started walking again. In a while, we arrived at the main street. She boarded a horse carriage parked on the side.

The carriage didn't look like something for public use or for-rent, but rather her own property. And although it was furnished in a simple manner, anyone with a good eye would immediately see that its quality was high-class.

.... So maybe she wasn't lying when she said she was the head of the Azuta Conglomerate.

As I brooded, she called my name, and I returned to my senses.

Mm, then...!

I steeled my will, and stepped on the carriage.

As we kept silence between us, the carriage traveled for around half an hour. I felt that we were at somewhere far away, and saw that we were already in the thickets of the aristocrats' area.

Our cart entered a place that looked extravagant even in comparison to other high-class estates.

.... Ha? The horse carriage kept driving forward.

"Welcome to the Ducal House of the Armelia family."

".... Duke, sama?"

With her words, he felt another shock.

Back then, I thought that I would never even come close to someone like a Duke. I never anticipated such a situation.

"Well, come along in."

I was ushered into the manor by the woman.

I believe it's safe to say that if I were to walk back by myself, I wouldn't even be able to find the gate. I would definitely get lost.

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