CHAPTER 53:Restart and Reunion

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...And thus, we finally arrived at the fief. Naturally we felt nostalgic after being gone for long, however, having reached the destination with no further incidents genuinely overwhelmed our hearts with a wave of relief.

"Welcome home, Milady."

Led by Sebastian and Sei, every servant who stayed behind at the fief turned up to greet us as well.

"We are aware of what happened during the trip. By all means, please take your time and enjoy a good night's sleep."

"Thank you, Sebastian. Everyone too, thank you for your reception."

I took up Sebastian's suggestion without reserve. Probably due to the pressure continually built up along the way, I was thoroughly exhausted. Now that my mind has been calmed, it seemed like the burden was lifted all at once.

I headed to my room while being escorted by Sebastian. Upon entering, I took a shower, then changed into a more comfortable attire. Resting on the chair afterwards, I drank the herb tea prepared by Tanya.

"It has been a long day for you, Tanya. Please have a rest now. I am going to sleep right away."

"As you wish."

Tanya was also tired as expected, hence she willingly accepted my suggestion and retreated to her room.

Phew... letting out a sigh, my body quivered while I tightly embraced myself... Honestly it was frightening. Although I didn't have to confront the assailant directly thanks to everyone... to be reminded of the fact that my life was targeted, even now, still make my blood run cold.

Nonetheless, just because it is frightening doesn't mean I am afraid to make a move, and it would be ridiculous should I walk away from this. I need to find out about the origin of those bandits in haste, and there would be a heap of things to study thence.

But for today, I should rest myself fully... and thus, I was in deep slumber soon after lying in bed.

Next morning, I woke up at the usual time. Getting asleep early last night, I thought I would be an early bird in the morning though... Well, I wonder if I was worn out that much yesterday. Thanks to that, I feel immensely refreshed now.

A perfect morning routine started with me practicing yoga, taking a shower then putting on some proper attire. Eventually I went to the dining hall, having a nostalgic meal in the fief after quite some time away.


Rimé came in while I was enjoying the postprandial tea time. Even though she showed up to welcome me back yesterday, we hadn't had an actual conversation so it was somewhat sentimental seeing her this time.

"Ah, Rimé. What's the matter?"

"What's the matter, you say!? I was worried to death! Thank goodness you are safe after all."

"Thank you for your concern over me. As Rimé can see, I am perfectly fine right now, so please don't cry so much like that."


While sniffing constantly, her tears just wouldn't stop rolling down her cheek. Somehow it brings back memories... Rimé was also weeping hysterically like this the last time I went back home after having my engagement with Ed-sama broken off.

"I'm terribly sorry for making you so worried, Rimé. You can stop crying now... If you calm down, we are gonna have plenty of talk later on, okay?"


...That's right, calm down... It was not just Rimé's feeling here though.


"Uhm, Sebastian. I will start working right after this. Though I have received your report by mail, it would be great if I can have a look at individual report of each department. I would also like to have an audience with the respective person in charge, if necessary."

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