CHAPTER 41:Tea Time with the Madams

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Now then, today is the day to visit Earl Dranbalt. This time, it's different compared to when I went to visit Marquis Langley's house, and various other people have been invited. ...And because of that, I am really nervous.

"Iris-chan, you'll be fine so you don't have to worry so much~"

However, since I'm together with mother, I find it reassuring. I am really reassured. The next House I am to visit next is Baron Messi's House, so I want to take this opportunity to regain my senses.

When we arrived and Earl Dranbalt's House, a servant came to greet us at the door. And then, a man dressed in a tailcoat guided us. The place we arrive at was a beautiful courtyard filled with greeneries.

"Welcome, and thank you for coming. Lady Mellice, Iris-sama."

A woman who was sitting at the center table stood up and came to greet us with a smile. She has soft golden hair that seems to shine even more brightly under the sun. Although her figure was a little round, she seems gentle and cheerful... She was Earl Dranbalt's wife, Countess Dranbalt.

"Thank you for sending an invitation for today's event. Together with my daughter, we were looking forward to it."

Mother responded with a formal tone. No matter how close mother is with Countess Dranbalt, she wouldn't act out of order because there were others around.

"Oh, my, for Lady Mellice to say something like that, I'm very honored. Please, come in and have a seat."

When Countess Dranbalt said that, she pointed us to vacant place. A man wearing a tailcoat was immediately standing by near us.

"Then, I shall accept your offer."

And then, we respectively headed to our vacant seats.

The garden was well-kept and overflowing with greenery. And the tables were arranged opposite of it, giving it the best view of the surroundings. What is stood out, even more, were the dresses people wore. Light pink, light yellow, light blue... Everyone was wearing pastel colors. Perhaps they each person was to represent a flower and were seated in that order as well. I see, the reason why the dress code - wear pastel colors - was specified on the invitation was to aim for this outcome.

"I shall make the introduction. This is Lady Remedy, Earl Caldina's wife."

"Please treat me well."

When the lady standing on the left side of Countess Dranbalt saw me, she nodded at me lightly. When I saw her, I also slightly lowered my head.

"This here is Lady Dora Danas, Earl Danas' wife."

"I have been looking forward to meeting Lady Mellice and Iris-sama."

The lady beside Lady Remedy said so and also bowed lightly. And I, too, like a bobblehead doll, bowed my head lightly again.

"And then, this lady over here is Salina Mines, Baron Mines' wife."

"I am honored to meet you."

...With that, all the introductions were done. To be honest, it was getting hard for me to put faces to their names... so I was thankful that it ended.

And then, the tea party began. I ate some of the sweets placed on the table and drank the tea that was served. Unn, it's delicious... Since it will be embarrassing if I cannot follow the conversation, I perked up my ears.

"The clothes Iris-sama wore the other day was very beautiful. From where did you purchase that dress from?"

Lady Dora suddenly asked that question.

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