CHAPTER 102-103

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Chapter 102: A Sister's Ambush

The day before we left the capital, I took Tanya with me to walk around on the streets.

As a matter of fact, we had no gaps in our schedule. But since we could only come around the capital so often, we still wanted to make time for a shopping trip.

Plus, I want to bring home some souvenirs for everyone who was still hanging around back home.

"What does everyone like?"

For Rehme and Moneda, I prepared the capital's specialty sweets. The two of them were performing cerebral work, after all, so sugar was essential.

But for Sei and Merida, sweets would only make them think of work. So what should I choose then?

"Any gift picked by you will make everyone happy!"

I could only smile awkwardly in response to Tanya's answer.

"That makes it the most troublesome. I rarely get the chance to give other people gifts, so I need to pick something useful to others...if it's something they wanted already, that would be even better."

As usual, I changed before leaving. Even though we'd already went through a few shops and picked a few backup gifts, I didn't think most of what we were seeing were good gifts...

Just as I was worrying and strolling along the street.

Ah...that person's silhouette looks familiar!


I didn't expect it to be Dean. What's more, there was a woman I didn't know next to him.

Why was Dean here...and who was the woman by his side?

Questions like these took over my thoughts. I didn't know why, but my chest felt suffocated., no. Why he was here, who the woman was–none of these were things I could interfere in.

Right now he wasn't in a contract with me. It was his freedom to be with who he wanted to.

Waving aside my doubts, I kept trying to convince myself. But somehow the uncomfortable feeling in my chest remained.

Just then, Dean noticed me as well. In that moment, his eyes went wide with surprise.

Seeing his reaction, my heart felt even heavier.

...maybe we should just go home soon. But turning around right here was so unnatural. Plus we hadn't finished shopping for everyone!

"Milady, it's been a while."

"Dean, it has been a while. I didn't expect to encounter you in the capital. Who is your companion?"

"Nice to meet you. My name is Letty. I've been meaning to thank you and those around you for looking after my older brother."


Upon closer inspection, she did look a lot like Dean.

If you really had to name a difference, Dean's eyes were deep green like jade, while Letty's were bright like an expensive olivine stone!

"Yes. My family is rather overprotective of me, and they don't allow me to leave home myself. Every time you helped Big Brother, I would be at home managing things on his behalf. I apologize for not being able to visit until now."

Oh. In that case, I've probably become indebted to her indirectly.

Now then, I should also take the opportunity to express my gratefulness!

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