CHAPTER 42:Strolling around the Royal City

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Now then, today is the day I take a stroll around the Royal City. I received a message from Mimosa saying she will be able to come, so I've been looking forward to it.

"...Young mistress, it's about time you make preparations."

While I was practicing yoga at my usual spot, I heard Tanya's voice coming from behind. Oh, my, it's already that time. And so, I hurriedly took a shower and started preparing. Because I will be going to town today, I changed to my usual "Alice" clothing.

"Mimosa-sama has already arrived."

"Then, please have her wait in the next room. I will be there soon."

When I finished preparing, I headed to the room next to mine. Although the next room is also part of my room, if the place I was dressing up in a little while ago is a private space, then the room next to that one has a drawing room kind of feeling.

"Good morning, Mimosa. I'm sorry to have asked you to come so early in the morning."

"Good morning, Iris. Oh my... what you're wearing suits you really well."

"Mimosa as well."

Because Mimosa will also be going to town incognito today, what she's wearing makes her more docile than usual. I guess one could describe her current appearance as a daughter of a merchant.

"And also, when I'm wearing this kind of outfit, I'm Alice."

"What is that?"

Mimosa looked like she was rather fascinated.

"An alias, it's an alias. It's not like I can announce my name to the public... So the first thing one would need to do is change one's appearance, right? When you give yourself an alias, it gives an extremely different feeling."

How should I say this, it's gives a feeling of being an actress. When someone calls me with that name... I would make me get more into the role or something like that.

"I see... Since that's the case, then my name will be Misha."

"I understand. Well then, Misha. Shall we be off now... Or rather, I'll make some introductions first. This is Tanya, I guess you already know her, and these two, Ryle and Dida, will serve as our guards today."

The two people who were waiting behind, when I introduced them, they slightly bowed their heads. Although it was normal for Ryle to do so, but Dida is usually easy-going, so I felt quite uneasy.

"Nice to meet me... However, I've heard your names before, so it doesn't feel like this is my first time meeting you. Please take care of me today. On the other hand, these two are my guards, Harry, and Dan."

Harry and Dan who were standing beside Mimosa bowed respectively.

"Harry, Dan. Please treat me well."

I also greeted the two. Harry and Dan has an "I am a guard!" atmosphere around them and felt somewhat stern. For now, since they are wearing plain clothes, I guess it isn't so bad.

"Well then, since we don't have much time, let us be off."

First things first, we headed to the cafe in the Royal City. In here, one can eat chocolate cakes and various other desserts. I wonder how the sales of herbal tea are doing.

When I took a peep, it looks like it's flourishing. The people who were queuing up for it formed a long time. Because we kept the price as low as possible, not only do the aristocrats buy them but also regular people in town.

"Now then, let's go line up."

"...Excuse me for being rude, Alice-sama. Wouldn't be acceptable for you to use your name here?"

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