CHAPTER 26:The Younger Brother's Excursion

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"...Please excuse me. Young mistress, it is almost time for your meeting with Sei."

While there was an awkward atmosphere in the air, Tanya called out to me. ...It's that time already. Because of Berne's sudden arrival, I couldn't relax at all.

"Mother, I must be going soon. Mother, please take your time and relax."

"Yes, please allow me to do so. Ah, Iris-chan. Can you take this foolish son with you?"


'This foolish son,' she's referring to Berne, right? But why...?

"Please show this foolish son the way you work and shut him for me. And if he complains, it's fine if you beat him up. Tanya, thank you in advance when the time comes."

"...I respectfully obey."

If it's Tanya, I'm pretty sure she'll indeed do it. Well, if he starts getting fussy, it's fine to drive him out... isn't it?

"If that's the case... Let's go, Berne."

"...Eh? You are... older sister...?"

Berne took a long and hard look at me and seemed surprised. As I thought, he has completely forgotten how I look like?

"That's right. Who else did you think I was. Because I'm running out of time, let's go quickly."

I immediately headed to the study. And Sei was already standing inside waiting. When Sei saw Berne enter right after me, he furrowed his eyebrows but he soon took his report out and handed it to me.

I once again looked over it.

"...The profits of the confectionery line have decreased a little."

"It's because another shop has appeared selling the same product. In addition, it seems like they are selling it at a lower d to ours."

"...It is not necessary to lower the price right now. The consumer will buy whichever product is more delicious."

"There is also that idea of lowering the buying price of the raw materials..."

"Rejected. If you look at the stock value, this price is reasonable. If you lower it any further than this, it will deteriorate our relationship with the farmers. So to maintain or build a good relationship with them, we should secure a better delivery route."

To run a successful conglomerate, it is necessary to pursue benefits. However, I do not want to pressure the farmers in the fief in the name of profit. It will be overcharging if it is sold at a higher price, and also, I think it is priced fairly.

"Aside from being lower in price, find out if there's anything else. Check the line-up of the other companies, and then compare them and do a product review. Also, how is the progress with the cake products we'll start selling next week?"

"Everything is on schedule, all the preparation has been made and we can start selling them next week. The information about the product called 'birthday cake' is being leaked by the common people... but thanks of the cafe originally having cake on the menu, it was favorably accepted by the public. Right now, a lot of inquiries is being made."

The catchphrase for the advertisement is "a special cake for a special day." Like a birthday, or a wedding anniversary. When they make a reservation, they could decide the decorations on the cake, the shape of it, and the cream when they order.

"If that's the case, I'm glad. Please bring the contents of the inquiries to me."

"It is right here."

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