CHAPTER 44:Evening Party

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In just a couple more days, my stay in the Royal City will end. Today is the day I am scheduled to visit Baron Messi's house. According to the information provided by mother, Baron Messi typically returns to his fief early when it's about to be off-seasons. Hence, the party. In other words, it is to say farewell to his associates.

The members of the First Prince's faction, who have their own fief, are devoted to land management and often stay in their fief. In other words, they don't have many opportunities to gather. On the contrary, during a season, their attendance rate is quite high.

Because it's that kind of party, is it really acceptable for me to attend...? I started having those kinds of thoughts.

In the morning, I started doing yoga for mental concentration. Beside me was mother who has completely gotten into practicing yoga and was wearing an outfit similar to mine.

"Well, Iris-chan. Your expression is looking stiff. If you keep that up, you'll get tired."

"Is that so...?"

"Yes. Since you're going through all the trouble to loosen your body, you should work on your expression as well... That's right, that's how it should be."

After I finished practicing yoga, I took a shower and changed my clothes. Since today's party will take place at night, I'm still wearing my everyday clothing.

Because there's still some time, I decided to take a look at the reports sent by Sei and Sebastian so that I can immediately send necessary instructions as a reply if needed be.

Hmmm... As I thought, location is important. Since it takes time for the letter to arrive, when I have completely grasped the situation, it might have already changed. When I consider these things, I shouldn't continue to involve myself in any unnecessary things and quickly return to the fief.

While I was scuffling with the documents, I heard a knock coming from the door and Tanya entered the room.

"Young mistress. It is about time for you to make your preparations."

Oh, it's that time already? As I thought, when one is concentrated on doing something, time flies by quickly.

Because I cannot be late, I began my preparations at once. Because the party is being held at night, unlike the dresses I wore to Dranbalt and the Marquis' mansion, I wore a dress similar to what one would wear at an official function. However, as I expected, I am not used to wearing heavy dresses, and I wore something that feels refreshing.

After Tanya finished arranging my hair, I put on some accessories. Today's dress is dark blue in color that matches the color of my eyes. As for accessories, because my hair is silver, white will not compliment it, so blue sapphire was used instead. Hence, my dress is considerably embroidered with silver thread, making it stand out splendidly.

I finished my preparation in good time. Although the people in the world say that women take too long to prepare, but it takes even more time to put on a dress. In the first place, if someone doesn't help, one won't be able to put it on by themselves.

In the present condition, I rode the carriage and headed to the Baron's residence. Fuuu, I'm feeling really nervous... In the Royal City... since the mansions of aristocrats are all in one sector, there is not much distance between our mansion and Baron Messi's. However, because I'm feeling nervous, I feel like the distance was even shorter.

* * *

While I was frozen stiff with tension, we arrived at Baron Messi's mansion and greet our host, Baron Messi.

"Thank you very much for your invitation to today's event."

"I, as well, would like to thank you for your attendance."

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