Chapter 61 The speech from a certain citizen's perspective

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Dusk was usually when most people would be crowding into taverns, but, today, everyone was heading towards the newly built church. I know the church is new, but I feel like there's a bigger reason for this.

As I head towards the church, amongst the masses of people, I see many nobles and influential people in their carriages or walking with their guards, including the presidents of large companies and the village chief, moving in the direction of the church. There are also commoners like me. I especially notice outsiders from the capital among the crowds.

I was able to arrive early and get a seat inside, because I live rather close to the new church. The new chapel is large, but, even with its enlarged size, it could not hold everyone who was coming to see what was going to happen. There were people looking in from the windows and the doors were left open to allow people who couldn't find a seat in the chapel to see the events.

The declaration from the Church that our fief's lord was excommunicated from the Church was hard to swallow and made everyone, including me, anxious about the future. I heard that today the lord would explain why they were excommunicated, so many of us came to listen.

There is another reason why people are here: a rumor about the orphans at the nearby orphanage. Rumor has it that the lord protected the orphans from slave traders and bought the old church from them in order to give the orphans a place to live. I, myself, have met those orphans and their caretaker, Miss Minae, because of my job as a merchant. When I heard that rumor, I went directly to Miss Minae to confirm it. However, whenever I went and called for her, she was never there. I talked with Miss Minae and the children rather often in the past, so when I heard the rumor, I felt both anger at the slave traders and sadness. I do believe it to some degree, as I understand that someone must have helped them, but whether or not our lord did it is iffy. My impression of the lord is that they wouldn't go so far as to help children at an orphanage.

While thinking about these things, I saw a priest at the altar kneeling and praying to god. At the same time, the sound of the pipe organ echoed and a beautiful melody started playing. I felt my heart beat with its melody.

As the priest began his prayers, we all joined in.

Shortly after, the sermon started.

"God loves all of his children. God wants all his children to be understanding of one another. By helping one another, one can live a life with dignity, and by accepting the love of god, one can show humility and live with pride. God has taught all his children the value of the connection we have with others." (Priest)

The soft and kind voice of the priest rang throughout the chapel.

"However, God also helps those who are willing to repent for their sins. God cherishes all his children and bestows forgiveness to those who repent and rectify the mistakes they have committed. We as God's children must see with hearts unclouded and judge that which is evil and that which is just. We must reach out to those who are truthful and right and offer help to those who have wronged. I pray for those who have committed sins to accept the love of God and atone for the error in their ways." (Priest)

After the priest finished his prayer, the chapel became noisy and tense. Were these words directed at the lord of the fief?

As the priest walked away from the altar, we thought the ceremony would be over. However, a girl took his place.

She was wearing a pure white dress with no decorations or designs. Rather than being called a dress, it was closer to a nun's habit. But, even while wearing a plain white dress, her figure was so beautiful that any man would immediately fall for her.

"Hello, everyone. I thank you for coming to the opening ceremony of this new chapel."

Her voice was clear and, as she bowed, she fit the image of the perfect lady... I feel like I've seen her somewhere before...

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