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"Meg, what class do you have?" Andrea asks as they walk the same direction.

"I have science with you, dummy." Meg says as Caitlin stops walking.

"Oops I forgot my bad." The brunette says as they start walking again.

As both girls walk in a comfortable silence they don't realize a few Ducks, following them hoping they know where the science room is due to them having that class too.

"Guys I'm telling you they hate us." Connie tells the boys as they follow the two girls.

"Well why not just ask them." One of the boys says as they see the girls enter the classroom.

"I'm gonna have to pass." Connie says, elbowing the boy and entering the class.

As the Ducks look around the classroom the only spot open for them they realize is next to the two girls from the soccer team.

"I feel so bad for Lexi. I could have sworn they would end up together at some point." Meg tells Andrea as the three Sucks head over to them.

"Yah, well I Doubt they'll last I Mean it looks super fake.'' Andrea mutters as she notices three of the ducks sit next to them.

"Well she probably got her lesson after Stephani and Caitlin barked at her." Andrea mutters.

"Stephani and Mikaela said she's gonna bitch slap her at some point." Meg adds in making Andrea groan as the teacher walks in.

The three ducks sharing a confused look, while the teacher starts to teach.


By the end of the class the only thing all three Ducks learned was nothing about why the girls might hate them.

As the girls leave the classroom to head to their next class the three Ducks look at each other giving a look to talk to the rest of their team after practice.

Heading to the next class, Meg and Andrea split up and Meg meets up with caitlin.

"How was math with Mikaela and Stephani? Meg asks as they walk into english seeing Reave.

"Interesting to say the least, they we're planning Mindy's murder and cover up." caitlin says.

"Then again coming to think of it I was giving ideas and helping plan it so." Caitlin says really fast even though she knows Meg wouldn't catch it.

"Girl you know what, I'm not even gonna question it." Meg says as they sit down with Reave.

As class starts they realize that they don't have any Ducks in this class and they couldn't be happier.

"The Ducks can suck my dick." Caitlin whispers as both girls nod their head in agreement.

"They need to stop thinking they are so much better than everyone just because they played for team usa." Reave says as the class slowly starts to come to an end.

"Agreed." Both meg. and Caitlin say as they put their backpacks on their back and head to the door.

As the bell rings all three girls walk out in a conversation not watching where they were walking.

"No, I'm saying we got a new coach." Meg says annoyed as Caitlin rolls her eyes not realizing she's about to bump into someone.

Right as Caitlin was about to say something about how she shouldn't trust what baylee has to say due to the fact she plays with fire she bumps into someone both of them falling on the floor.

Landing on her butt the only thing she hears from both her friends are laughter and a groan coming from who they bumped into.

"Oh sorry about that." The kid Caitlin says as he stands up offering his hand to her.

"No, I'm sorry I should have been paying attention to where I was going." Caitlin says taking the boy's hands only to realize he was kinda cute. (Ew sorry that was so cringey)

"I'm kenny." The black haired boy says as Caitlin smiles.

"I'm caitlin." The brunette says her cheeks heating up.

An awkward silence fills the space between them till the boy that was walking with Catlin says they should head to their class.

As both of them walk their separate ways Meg and Reave catch up with the brunette.

"Your face looks like a tomato." ameg says, making Caitlin smack her hand over her mouth.

What she didn't know was that Kenny's friend was annoying him about how red his face was when they walked away from the group of girls.

I have something to say- big plans like BIG plans oh and was gonna make this longer but some people are needy and want chapters like every second *cough cough* but not calling anyone out but *cough cough*

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