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Side note- The song Daddy Says No by the Haschak Sisters is mentioned at some point in the story so feel free to play it while you read I have it in the Castaways playlist 😋


"Guys can I have aux you two are clearly talking so it's only fair I get something." Mikaela says as Scooter sighs and gives her the aux."

"I swear to god mikaela if you play any Kidz Bop I will drive this car off the bridge." Scooter says, making the blonde girl laugh.

"Oh don't worry I have something even better." The girl says as she sees Jessie give her a glare through the mirror.

"Jessie, why don't you trust my music taste that's offensive." Mikaela says, making the brunette roll her eyes.

"You and Stephani have been listening to Mattyb for the past like two weeks." Jessie mutters, making Mikaela gasp.

"That's rude, some of his music low key slaps." the girl says, making Scooter laugh at her.

"Jessie, I must agree with Mikaela on this one mattyb dose slap." scooter mumbles, making Jessie gasp.

"Scooter I am very offended by that now she's gonna blast it." Jessie whines as Mikaela finds a song right as they pull into Adam's neighborhood.

"Not daddy says no." Jessie groans as she looks back to see Mikaela with a huge smile on her face.

"I dare you to yell the lyrics at Adam when he gets into the car." scooter says as Mikaela smiles.

"I never back down from the dare. I'm pretty sure he's already scared of me." The blonde says while Jessie rolls her eyes.

Pulling into the driveway of Adams house, Scooter looks at the blonde who's busy talking to someone on her phone.

As the blonde boy heads to the car, Scooter starts to turn up the music, only confusing the blonde who opens the door.

"I just wanna have some fun, jump in my jeep and enjoy the sun. I just wanna, I just wanna get up and go cause my heart says yes but my daddy says no." Mikaela belts out as Adam gives her a confused look while Jessie and scooter burst out laughing.

"Mikaela why, just why." Jessie mumbles as Mikaela laughs while changing the music.

"Scooter I think I deserve a subway cookie.'' Mikaela says as Scooter gives her a glare.

"What, all I'm saying is there bussin, and I obviously deserve it." the girl whines.

"Me and  Adam have practice in an hour so there's no time." Scooter says, making the blonde groan.

"Who cares if you're late. Jessie doesn't have a car cause she's fucking Canadian." Mikaela says only for Jessie to slap her leg.

"What I'm just saying." Mikaela says as she starts to play mattyb just to annoy her.

"I hate you." Jessie mumbles.

"Yah, well waterboy and so does Mr. Vroom Vroom." Mikaela says as Scooter gasps.

"Mr. Vroom Vroom what the fuck Mikaela." Scooter mumbles as Mikaela just smiles.

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